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Dark Enchantments

Chapter 4 Shadow Magic and Unusual Talents

Word Count: 690    |    Released on: 20/04/2023

er hands. She then added, "Here you are. Let's head over to the guild office in Halle now, we have some documentation to take care of!" Stunned by the amount of silver coins in her hand, Wendy a

expressed her surprise, "That's quite uncommon. Shadow mages typically don't rely on other forms of magic." Selena asked with a wry smile, "Don't they?" "That's right, they don't. Have you not met many other shadow mages?" Wendy asked. She continued, "It's so uncommon that some scholars have theorized that they may be incapable of practicing other forms of magic." Selena shrugged and said, "I guess I prove that wrong." Wendy examined Selena's expression closely, and Selena met her gaze, accustomed to this level of scrutiny. When Wendy inquired, "How did you acquire this knowledge?" Selena responded, "Well, I suppose I just picked it up. I didn't attend any school either-" Wendy interjected, "Of course, there is no school for shadow magic-" Selena started to say something, but Wendy interrupted and asked, "How did your normal magic manifest?" Selena simply replied, "I made a conscious decision to learn it." Wendy repeated in surprise, "You decided to take it up?" Selena gave Wendy a small smile, prompting Wendy to question whether she had accurately guessed Selena's age. "Do I pass?" Selena inquired. "I see that you don't often use your shadow magic," Wendy observed thou

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1 Chapter 1 PROLOGUE 2 Chapter 2 C3 Chapter 3 The Prodigy's New Path 4 Chapter 4 Shadow Magic and Unusual Talents5 Chapter 5 The Trials and Tribulations of Guild Membership and Adventure Planning6 Chapter 6 The Search for an Anchor - Selena's Quest in a World of Shadows7 Chapter 7 The Ravine Fight: Magic, Swords, and Danger8 Chapter 8 Restless Nights and Magic Lessons: Wendy's Observations of Selena's9 Chapter 9 Wendy's Journey: Uncovering Magic and Adventure10 Chapter 10 Wendy's Battle with the Sparkle Wasps and Fire Spirits.11 Chapter 11 Battling Sparkle Wasps and Baby Humorans12 Chapter 12 A Journey through Sontmor's Mysteries13 Chapter 13 The Forest's Power: Searching for the River 14 Chapter 14 Into the Forest: The Search for Medicinal Mushrooms 15 Chapter 15 Inscriptions and Symbols: Enhancing Magical Power.16 Chapter 16 Selena's Pursuit of Grey: Tension in the Air 17 Chapter 17 Wendy's Guilt: Two Men Dead 18 Chapter 18 The King's Request: Recruiting Shadow Wizards for Infiltration19 Chapter 19 The Drowned Shadow: Selena's Origin Story 20 Chapter 20 A Carriage Ride to War: Mimengy Stopover 21 Chapter 21 Shifting Rivers and Sky Spirits22 Chapter 22 Lost in the Darkness: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Forest23 Chapter 23 Melodies and Healing 24 Chapter 24 Mushrooms and Secrets 25 Chapter 25 Unrequited Pursuit26 Chapter 26 The Weight of Victory 27 Chapter 27 Conversations and Concerns 28 Chapter 28 Revelations and Reflections 29 Chapter 29 A Change in Dynamics 30 Chapter 30 Arrival in Allonce 31 Chapter 31 Secrets Unveiled 32 Chapter 32 A Night of Revelry 33 Chapter 33 Shadows and Secrets 34 Chapter 34 Shadow Magicians and War: The Lakashan Threat 35 Chapter 35 The Fragile Balance 36 Chapter 36 Unexpected Departures and Unspoken Concerns 37 Chapter 37 Laughter and Understanding 38 Chapter 38 The Magnificent Mountain Pass 39 Chapter 39 Meeting Emerré's Spouse 40 Chapter 40 Whispers of Shadows and Secrets 41 Chapter 41 Shadows of Change 42 Chapter 42 Unveiling Secrets 43 Chapter 43 Shadows of Suspicion 44 Chapter 44 Unveiling the Charmer 45 Chapter 45 The Journey Begins 46 Chapter 46 Loving Gestures 47 Chapter 47 The Surprise Outfit 48 Chapter 48 Rumors and Reassurance 49 Chapter 49 The Role of Women in Warfare: A Debate on Sorceresses and Combat 50 Chapter 50 Whispers of War and Troubled Rumors