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In Love with a Human

Chapter 66 True Love's Kiss

Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 18/04/2023


alace, King

essa's grasp who only screamed in horror

herself through the debris, stepping aside the blood and fire

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1 Chapter 1 They're probably not real, but what if they are 2 Chapter 2 Burning Flames3 Chapter 3 The Duel Between Them4 Chapter 4 Havocc, The Underworld Kingdom 5 Chapter 5 Immediate Danger6 Chapter 6 Who Is That Girl I Saw In My Dream 7 Chapter 7 Just Let Me Go8 Chapter 8 The Silence that Could Kill9 Chapter 9 Entering The Forbidden Portal10 Chapter 10 Curiosity Could Kill, Right 11 Chapter 11 Table Number 1612 Chapter 12 Rejected! 13 Chapter 13 Wet Dreams and Wild Fantasies14 Chapter 14 Searching for the Unknown 15 Chapter 15 The Long Lost Ecanus, Samuel, Is Back 16 Chapter 16 She's Getting Weird 17 Chapter 17 The Human Named Hazel18 Chapter 18 Colter Had Enough19 Chapter 19 Crossing the Forbidden Portal20 Chapter 20 Am I Dreaming Again 21 Chapter 21 Hi & Hello22 Chapter 22 The Search23 Chapter 23 Taking Advantage24 Chapter 24 A Single Piece of Tulip 25 Chapter 25 Tessa, Take It Easy!26 Chapter 26 Saved by the Bell 27 Chapter 27 She Feels Like Home 28 Chapter 28 Oh Boy, This is a Mess29 Chapter 29 The Prince is Now a Waiter 30 Chapter 30 A Night Walk31 Chapter 31 Don't Easily Trust Someone32 Chapter 32 Lusts and Desires33 Chapter 33 It's a Date34 Chapter 34 The Queen's Agony35 Chapter 35 Gian's Betrayal 36 Chapter 36 He Crossed the Portal for a Human! 37 Chapter 37 Don't You Dare Lie! 38 Chapter 38 Another Betrayal from the 'Good' Prince 39 Chapter 39 Can We Talk 40 Chapter 40 Foreseeing The Future With Deity Flora And... Tessa ! 41 Chapter 41 With Her, Forever42 Chapter 42 Bad Dreams and Her Comfort43 Chapter 43 The Villains Reached the Earth44 Chapter 44 Happy Birthday, Vida45 Chapter 45 Two Bodies Turning One 46 Chapter 46 I Am Not a Human47 Chapter 47 Love Hits Them Like Lightning 48 Chapter 48 Captured! 49 Chapter 49 Come Back, Be Here50 Chapter 50 The New Prince of Havocc 51 Chapter 51 Get Rid of Flora52 Chapter 52 A Change of Heart53 Chapter 53 Too Late 54 Chapter 54 Humans Are Just Like Us, Aren't They 55 Chapter 55 Go Signal56 Chapter 56 Onto The Kingdom57 Chapter 57 A Modernized Deity58 Chapter 58 Heart to Heart59 Chapter 59 Intoxicating His Mind Even More 60 Chapter 60 The Start of the Attack 61 Chapter 61 Conquer Their Land62 Chapter 62 Colter, What Happened to You63 Chapter 63 Hello Again, Brother 64 Chapter 64 Almost Dead 65 Chapter 65 She's A Glimpse Of Hope 66 Chapter 66 True Love's Kiss67 Chapter 67 Surrendering His Power 68 Chapter 68 Defeating The Evil69 Chapter 69 Peace At Last 70 Chapter 70 It's Time to Go71 Chapter 71 Returning To Earth72 Chapter 72 A Love Between Two Worlds73 Chapter 73 EPILOGUE