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I Married My Mother’s Lover As A Stand-In Bride

Chapter 9 Netflix And Chill

Word Count: 2015    |    Released on: 16/04/2023

red her face with the pillow. She sti

e couldn't believe it either. "Y

ove the pillow from her face. "Yo

at you, Amelia Lawson, the shy 21 y

wned at her friend. "I don't kn

mean it like that, I'm just s


er eyes. "Fer

in the pillow again. "I didn'

so funny Lia wanted to laugh but she couldn't. Embarrassment was eating her up big

I need full details if I'm going to say anything."

as dying on the inside to know. The curiosity was killing her. "I can't, I

beg for the goss

r eyes a bit in anticipa

s? You're being very cruel." Jane huffed and fold

ned her eyes fully. "You look like a little girl."

rmal again and Lia sh

e restaurant f

at. What happen

have to be patient or e

e words under her breath bu

rved pancakes, chicken, bacon,

eyes had a dreamy look. "I'm gett

about me liking pancakes, I can't remember. All I know is I thought of mum

on and Lia shook her head. Her

here I cried for a bit an

dn't speak. Lia sighed and lai

as pacing like a wounded lion. I felt bad because

he had said earlier when she had calle

d said he'd take me somewhere. He didn't tell m

ia angled her head to look at her. "You ditched breakfast to han

no I did not ditch breakfast to hang out at a chi

od-looking as Adam? I s

s as cute as a five year old should be." She giggle

eam but of course I ruined that too. I choked while eating his and he collected it sa

on her face. Lia shook her head and igno

about wanting to make things right after I told him I would be staying at

agree to your

ere, ai

ged. "So,

d like nothing happened. He helped me wi

Seriously Lia, wh

tossing the pillow at her. "If you're so de

e's in

issed calls from Fernando. She hadn't heard it wrong. "That's your business Ja


piciously and Ja

d put your phone on silent mode just to l

g she could do.' Lia though

yelled from the rooms and Lia rolled

t to the person at the o

ed as Lia opened the

still hadn't returned Fernan

me to come pic

. Why would Fernando ask him to pick her up? They agreed sh

t Liam was still standing. She sighed and opened the door w

." He insisted and walked off be

he door and dialed Fernando's numb

ck on his word?

s James." His rich deep voice sounde

e picked up. "The

vie, yunno to make up for the one w

led Jane in. 'Oh well,' she thought with a shr

o ruin his plans for the second time in one day. A quiet t

have set it all up so you don't have to worry. I do need y

f the situation and took the p

. What kind of human bein

e laughed placing the phone back against her ear. "Is

lled back, showed you didn'

something else. I'm still

ine in it earlier today but it's okay if you want to change.

much, too much. She was still getting used to the idea that

a fantasy of hers before. Heck it never crossed her mi

e pointed out and she c

ne crazy mess. Yes tha


asked walking towards her a

lk and Lia didn't want to wake her up so she t

have definitely talked her ear off for not telling h

ed some powder on her face so her face wasn't oily. She had her p

much she hardly

ant to ruin her night by thinking about her mother. It would only make her em

Asides the marriage between them which was as fake as Jane's eyelashes,

man tried to know her? She didn't have much success in the relationship area so she didn'

who had just been jilted by the love of his life, her mother

r disappearance. If her mother actually did disappeared on purpose instead

ually happened to her mother, so she wou

ed the door. Lia thanked him as

date night wouldn't mak

potted Fernando standing by the door

hand to help her up the sta

do this o

was walking up the stairs by her

d could

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