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My Beautiful Public Wife

Chapter 4 Jordan was faced

Word Count: 2560    |    Released on: 14/04/2023

leave her alone. No woman had ever thrown so many negatives at him, either. Maybe Ivy Tho

n't want t

ed her

on, lifting her desirability to virtually a must-have level. Just the sight of her had excited him. His fingertips itched to graze over ev

out on t

to win

an change,' he said mildly, hop

ating green eyes flashed scepticism, but

pologise for the offence given,' he went on, projecting absolute sincerity. 'Please take it a

legraphed he was on shaky ground, but her words granted him a second chance. 'Well

o keep his smile appealingly rueful. 'I shall monitor m

urs, Jordan. Getting your own way must be habitual. You hav

sion. 'None of which appear t

her head at him. 'I can't

masochistic streak in myself. You can put me dow

sparkled. 'I mi

and. With her white skin and red hair, it made a fantastic vision. 'Are you a dominatrix?' he asked, seize

She look

st" remark. Sorry. Had to ask. I do like to get my bearing

ner. Her colouring was so entrancing, Jordan felt a considerable flow

a dominatrix,' she

much preferred the idea of controlling the sexual

how did this conversation get to the bedroo

nds most of the time,' he info

lift yours off it whil

dressed as you are,

y h

g and directed her attention to it. 'This one is called Waterlilies. Much more to my likin


g something like it to every one of the retirement villages I've had constructed. There's not

wonderful hands, long and elegant, and she couldn't help imagining that their touch would be sensitive. Ben's had never really been gentle enough. With him she had

marriage with

ed and

might be an exper

y and she was already twenty-seven. For the past two years there had been no one of any real interest on h

becoming more temp

ht Wate

buy, smiled at Ivy as though to say she had done well by her mother, and moved of

assured her. 'If you weren't at my s

e demanded, wanting proof that

s. It gives a sense of serenity. I'

seem to care about the people

vant. They say it how it is for them and I respect that.' There was a glint of c

hat was putting them in the wrong and she shouldn't assume he was not. Undoubtedly Jordan Powell had his shortcomings when it came to relationships. She

ook, she asked, 'Are you

d twinkle reappeared. 'On the whole,

ely thinking s

luttered in sin

lenging eyebrow.

mise,' she said. The reputation

d the words out as though tasting th

nths of his life, but if he had gone into a nursing home, one of Jordan Powell's would definitely have been the best

t be something else that appeals to you,' she said huskily, turning aside to draw Jo

nd resting on his arm. 'What

head, not want

s it my comment on integrity? Did you th

smile. 'Nothing to do with you, J

e was concern in the e

ybe he simply wanted to dispose of the distraction from him, get it out of the way so

oon after my father had died. Your mention of nursing h

d he die

e me and he was always having to get sun cancers rem

o that's why you

ong sleeves. And you look like a slave to the sun-' with his gleaming olive s

lock-out cream. In fact, I think it would give me a lot of pleasure to spread it

through her bloodstream. Her pulse started to gallop. Ivy wrenched her gaze from his in sheer panic, riven

be a big mistake

han was sensible or practical, given h

lf?' she rattled out, waving at t

have in my house,' he said, apparently c

idn't need to be spoken. His intent was already under her skin, boring away at needs she had been dismis

lightly, thinking he could well afford it. She remembered Va

We have some great artists who've captured its uniqueness-Drysda

pressed by the names he'd rolled out, impressed with his patriotism, as well. She'd never liked the sno

e them to enjoy,' she rem

pleasure to sh

t him. 'I'd have to say t

ack. 'It's n

d him. 'Just holding o

oice is

e tossed at him airily, turn

and murmured, 'You could

rm breath was like

roared th

s, the other presenting two glasses of fizzing champagne. 'Veuve Clicquot,' the

o glasses and held one out to Ivy who was busy choosing a cra

I eat first,' she ple

rgued. 'If you like seafood, I know

ter, superb works of

think she really should throw her cap over

s Friday night,' she reminded him. 'Wouldn't all the restaurants that serve supe

who wouldn't find a table for me,'

ing remark. 'And not a wo

ride in hers. 'Please don't, Ivy,' he said with seduc

ither. 'The spice of novelty,' she muttered, mocking both

east for this evening?'

right,' she said slowly. 'You've sold me on the lobster. I will have dinner with you. If you can

Consider it done,' he said, whipping out

to look at the few paintings they hadn't already seen, pretending it was irrelevant to her whether or not he secured a tab


as far as she want


izzle out. She couldn't remember the last time she had indulged her tastebuds with lobster. That, a

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1 Chapter 1 Ivy took..2 Chapter 2 Jordan powell3 Chapter 3 Ivy4 Chapter 4 Jordan was faced5 Chapter 5 They rode6 Chapter 6 Jordan drove 7 Chapter 7 Ivy's body clock8 Chapter 8 Ivy kept9 Chapter 9 Jordan concentrated10 Chapter 10 At the first 11 Chapter 11 Ivy found Margaret 12 Chapter 12 On Monday 13 Chapter 13 His mobile 14 Chapter 14 No ! The shock15 Chapter 15 The first cl16 Chapter 16 The story of Jordan 17 Chapter 17 The lib18 Chapter 18 A Fight with the Prince 19 Chapter 19 More awkward 20 Chapter 20 Jalayla lay in her bed21 Chapter 21 He chuckled 22 Chapter 22 Jalayla loosened 23 Chapter 23 Under other circumstances 24 Chapter 24 But not for long 25 Chapter 25 Don't you ever 26 Chapter 26 Jalayla watched Tasir27 Chapter 27 I'd rather be a28 Chapter 28 Breathing slowly 29 Chapter 29 Ciara jerked30 Chapter 30 Dinner with the camper31 Chapter 31 Ciara was on swimming 32 Chapter 32 She grabbed an apple 33 Chapter 33 Ciara worried all the next day 34 Chapter 34 My turn35 Chapter 35 Ciara woke up 36 Chapter 36 The next few nights 37 Chapter 37 Zoran stepped 38 Chapter 38 Ciara stepped out 39 Chapter 39 Ciara paced 40 Chapter 40 Sheik Zahir41 Chapter 41 Hello Callie42 Chapter 42 So Are you going to accept 43 Chapter 43 Three hours later 44 Chapter 44 Zahir looked down 45 Chapter 45 Zahir watched as46 Chapter 46 Goodnight 47 Chapter 47 Callie watched as48 Chapter 48 It is time 49 Chapter 49 We should have to 50 Chapter 50 Callie watched Luca sleep 51 Chapter 51 The following morning 52 Chapter 52 Pull on a pair53 Chapter 53 The following day was54 Chapter 54 Layla smoothed55 Chapter 55 Garon's 56 Chapter 56 He also had57 Chapter 57 Layla paced back 58 Chapter 58 Layla hated this59 Chapter 59 Layla sat in her60 Chapter 60 Layla could 61 Chapter 61 It was just as62 Chapter 62 Layla stood63 Chapter 63 She covered 64 Chapter 64 The women 65 Chapter 65 I can't leave 66 Chapter 66 The next thirty six67 Chapter 67 He didn't have 68 Chapter 68 When that happened 69 Chapter 69 Fourteen days later 70 Chapter 70 Two days later 71 Chapter 71 Garon pushed the doctor 72 Chapter 72 Layla stepped 73 Chapter 73 She was right 74 Chapter 74 I love him75 Chapter 75 She felt the icy76 Chapter 76 Have you contacted 77 Chapter 77 It's isn't going 78 Chapter 78 Taking a deep breath 79 Chapter 79 She glanced up 80 Chapter 80 She must have realized 81 Chapter 81 Sit down please 82 Chapter 82 She was just pulling 83 Chapter 83 Dassar stared in84 Chapter 84 Luna did85 Chapter 85 Luna stayed in the kitchen 86 Chapter 86 Dassar found her 87 Chapter 87 So when he started 88 Chapter 88 That was an intriguing 89 Chapter 89 Luna woke up at 90 Chapter 90 He took her 91 Chapter 91 Goodness she92 Chapter 92 The li93 Chapter 93 Luna gripped94 Chapter 94 Not that Dassar 95 Chapter 95 Luna woke up feeling like 96 Chapter 96 Good morning your highness 97 Chapter 97 A week after 98 Chapter 98 He was livid 99 Chapter 99 Luna woke up feeling warm and 100 Chapter 100 Anything else on the agenda