The Labyrinth Of Hermes
c circles while others, like us, scattered everywhere to enjoy this beautiful artistic sight. There I met a group of young people of my same generation, only a little more adventu
at over time I stopped believing, absorbing, but that are still there, in the imagination with which I and my friends enjoyed those first months of 2004. There I also met Fabio, a young m
ose worn heels, stained with che
uld be responsible for achieving exactly the opposite. Without going any further, we took advantage of those popular dances in the bay to chat for a good time
ers for all of us in the light of the stars,
You see, I won't have a way to communicate with you I demanded of him, while the r
oon. It will be very dark by now, don't forget it. I live in the eastern part of Harradine, Denser, so you will
rs wide that unfolded through the center of Harradin
ontinue explaining to me, I
t street, but that's not
lready had that sad feeling tha
to a large square full of trees, you will also see s
ays. The Tonga River emptied just below the promenade, surrounded by restaurants and beautiful paths where lovers used to spend their footsteps. As a symbolic orname
ast six in the evening. I finished bathing and dressed
ase you have to pay something for the food, my mother
nothing t
e continued washing the dishe
g a cowboy jacket in case it got cold. I pedaled a good few blocks along the main street until I reached that roundabout that Fabio had to
"Have I misunderstood the path?" he thought over and over again. I approached
irl of my age was approachin
Aren't you Mr. Gilberta's da
ike trying to reach th
d at my greeting. "Wow, nice to mee
becue in the biggest park here, only I can't find him or any
call him on the phone? Well, they haven't bo
n and find out through the Chat how get there. So I finally found out how that party had been suspended. I remembered the words of t
ks against the wall, in opposite corners
gaze, he waited impatiently to wake up from that stran
er? I would like to continue moving f
exclaimed, after a few hours. The sil
ainst the wall. She didn't even bother to look at me, she just sat ther
ll just sit her
d before, you don't have an obligation to save my life. Go alone and go out your way. I'll stay here, he continued
e in those tunnels or if I would even get
next to her to try and
what I meant when I said I wasn't obli
think a little more