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Mated To My Enemy

Chapter 5 Submission

Word Count: 1391    |    Released on: 05/04/2023


eternally stiff and emotionless. Each day brought a different issue and I looked forward to what the day had to offer. A scream reached my ears and I shrugged it off nonchalantly,

ey had grown up side by side. My mother, the Lycan Luna was graceful and submissive to her Alpha, never challenging him in public or causing him any rea

ther noticed that the mother wolf was with child and had begged for pardon on their behalf openly. The court was divided in two that day and Father's orders were sc

even before she stepped foot in his court. When she attempted to beckon to his better nature, one that he did not possess, he flung her across the room where she was pinned by

was. I strolled to the open window and looked out only to see a young woman tied to a pole. Two warriors stood on both sides, whipping her malic

right-hand man and he ra

ad slightly bowed. I turned my back on him and

my fingers on the sill, unconsciously counti

rincess Miatta of the Black Fur Pack and she is being

hose o

in command was very much like him: ruthless, power-drunk and proud. I had no affinity for him and avoided him as much as pos

er all. There was no need for me to step in. She should

ike to have my bath now,” I instruc


fire and I didn't risk touching it to know the extent of my suffering. She had warned me but I had allowed my pride to come first and the lycan warriors had shown no mercy, especially after I had indir

early: “Remember, my girl, to be as cunning as a serpent and wise as a dove. You are

their meaning was filtered in my thoughts. She had been trying to pass a message across to me without the lycans discerning what she was talki

omach growled angrily. It had almost been a day since my last meal and my wolf lay on her stomach, unwilling to give me strength that she did not possess. Wolves were known to have great

my eyes that had gotten accustomed to the darkness. I

our king and your Lord. I love your fighting spirit, I must admit, but it will not please me, Miatta. You want to please you, don't you?” The Ly

ing as I looked into his da

off my back. It was disgusting but endearing in a way. Mother

a is rather too passionate at times when it comes to

cow. He saw the hunger in my eyes and touched my lips lightly, enjoying himself. I was sup

nt your soul, your body and your mind to be mine. I want everything you've got and you will give it to me because I

s,” I recited instinctively by heart as his hands roaming over my youthful body turned

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