Lydia of the Pines
s to the storm. The
in a pipe tray fashioned from cigar box wood and stained with Lydia's walnut dye. Lizzie's gift was a flat black pin-cushion, with "Lizzie, with love from Lydia," embroidered crazily on it in red. Florence Dombey showed no emotion over her g
ings for the Dudley children and he took full advantage of the moment. Books for Lydia, little toys for the ba
eamed as he watched the children unwrap the packag
cks!" and bolted
ed Lizzie, pan
roaned Amos, as with John and the
before the oven. "Just the pope's no
thing else happens,"
Christmas where there are children? I'd a gotte
bey on his lap, Amos with the drowsy little Patience in his arms, and Lizzie, her tired hands folded across her comfortable stom
the ice cracks th
is feathers was a-co
and what's the rest
eplied Lydia. "It'
ve-Ah, bitter
ll his feathe
trembling throug
s the flock i
et the
d at each other over
poem you spoke at school, L
tably on John's shoulder and ramb
ndeed: and s
g ewes abo
d wake the chi
our so sti
for Mary's
eath hour o
, the Eve
silence fo
that one, young Ly
ve been happy to-day! Daddy, you thought we'd have an awful poor Christmas, didn't
he remembered it for years after as one of her perfect
rish and cross with a hoarse cold. When Amos came home the fourth night, he thought she had the croup and sent Lydia pelti
up. You go after the
h her. Under Mrs. Norton's supervision, she packed the baby in hot water bottles
le he made his examination. The child clenched her fists and walked up and down the livingroom, cheeks scar
et her die, I'll never pray to you again! N
nday School lore flashed through her mind. "Our Father who art in heaven," she
zzie came out, tears-r
flew t
ou. Diphtheritic croup-he
not know. Pain in her bruised hands and the intense cold finally brought her to her senses. A self-control that was partly inherent and partly the result of too early knowledge of
beying the doctor's orders. Amos did not stir from his chair by the bed, nor speak a word
," said Dr. Fu
me," replie
er as well as Patience into the world. He pulled her to him, with one
ydia. She is not suffering at all. Now,
said Lydi
our life you will be grateful to me, if I make you obey me now. I know those
Florence Dombey in the living-room and with her and a blanket, crept under her father's bed, into the farthest co
. The place had been fumigated. Lydia had placed in her bedroom everything that had belonged to the baby, had locked the door and had
hn Levine had been allowed to come to see the stricken little family, excepting the minister. He,
ch in a splendor of cleanliness that made the place seem stranger than ever to them both. Neither talked much. At intervals, tears ran down old Lizzie's wrinkled ch
haven't eat enough to keep
e door, and Lizzie tru
Lord's sa
skates over his shoulders. He walke
, "I came out to see yo
s. "Oh, Kent, I'm so g
I care," returned Kent, gruffly, loo
oaths. At the sound of the laughter, old Lizzie gave a
me out and skate for a while. The wind's blown the snow till there's lots of clear pla
tine or not!" exclaimed
r the two of you. Keep
n her Tam o' Shanter. She brought her skates from the kitc
winter sun. Far down the lake toward the college shore, the flitting sails of ice-boats gleamed, and faint and far up the wind came the clear "
munity. The wind in their faces was bitter cold, making conversation difficult. Whether or not Kent was grateful for this, one could not say. He watched Lydia out of the tai
matter, Lyd?
she panted. "I-I
worn me out. Come on up to the shore,
silence while Kent without removing his skates hobbled up the bank and pulled some dead branc
e warmth," he ordered, his voic
ok in the faded blue Tam, the outgrown coat, the red mittens, so badly mended, the leggings with patches on th
h worse than she does, and she's got no one to turn to for comfort. I know Amos. He'l
in Lydia's ravished little face, a sympathy for her pain as real as it was unwonted swept o
orry for you, Lyd
d Kent shown her the slightest affection. When she
did He?" and she buried her face on his shoulder and began
held her tightly and watched the fire with bright, unseeing eyes. And after what seemed a long, long time, the sobs
dy," he said in a cheer
he fire out, so's
with snow, she was standing, sad-eyed but calm except for dry so
he said, "I'll
to the dining-room, they found a pitcher of steaming cocoa and
et her to eat, Ke
nt answered her. "Gimm
urned abruptly into the kitchen. She came back in a moment
ad been long denied her was claiming her. She did not know that she almost buried her head in her
doctor?" he whispered as old L
eat nor had a decent hour of sleep since it happened. And now, tha
nothing," he muttered. "Where's my coat? Maybe I'll come
om with scarlet for one breathless moment, before a blanket of twilight hid all save the red eyes of the base burne
ward the quiet blond head on the faded brown cushi
us glance. "You don't kn
t on the fender, lighted his pipe and then sat without moving until a stampin
" was Levine's
couch, where, undist
air up beside Amos' and the two f
ck when Lydia opened her eye
. I told him it would put you in a terrible fix, that you'd gone on the note when you couldn't afford it. He grinned a devil's grin then and said,
e got on earth is shoe-stringed out to hang onto that pine section of mine up in Bear county. I'm m
p and rubbe
," cried Levine. "Had a
hungry," sa
Lizzie. "I'll warm your sup
the base burner, her hair tumbled, he
. Marshall act
know anything about such things, do they, Amos?
illingly nevertheless within the compass of John's long a
is cheek against hers for a moment, w
and go to bed,
ross, Amos," p
sighed Amos, "but she worries over money matters just the way h
t," Levine's voice was short. "Let
tion of the conversation she had heard the night before returned with sickening vividness. After she had wiped the breakfast dishes for Lizzie she stood for a long time at the li
g outside his door and a childish voice saying, "But p
hreadbare, came into his little private office. She close
" she said, "so I w
med Marshall, "where
on't you fix Daddy's n
dy ever wanted to sell me, you'd buy me. I think I ought to be worth a thousand dollars. I can d
face was purple
know you're here
ittened hands in
tn't tell the man out there my name. I'm in quarant
Dave, gently. "Come o
a visit so I'm no
ll took the skates from her sh
t's talk this over. You know w
she said, her blue e
your father is very poor. He doesn't own anything that's worth a thousand dollars and I knew he could never pay it back. So
a no
that thousand dollars is paid, the people whose money I take
lanation. "I see," she said. "But if you'd pay a t
u mean you would
zzie could take care of Daddy. He doesn't really need
hen went on. "Mr. Levi
land's fixed so's he'd
have in all the world.
if she knew. Oh, she
r. "Levine," he growled,
n the banker's face. "Don't you dare say that!"
lamb, eh? Ask him some time wh
ldish lips, whether it was the look that belongs to ravished motherhood and seemed grossly wrong on a child's face, whether it was some thought of his own pampered little
ut he's got to pay the interest and ten per cent. of the principal, every year till he's paid it up. Here, I'll write it down. An
oice, tilting her head up so that he looked down into her eyes, "I'm buying your friendship with this. You go on living with your father and taking care of him, but
I can't thank you. Oh, but thank you, Mr. M
ather to look out for your nerves. Now skip."
nt came out in the afternoon and the two fished through the ice until sunset, when they came in with a string of fish sufficiently long to divide and
have been born in her. She laid an envelope at her father's plate and when he sat down, silent
sentmindedly opening the envelope. The
" and she gave a full history of her morning's visit, to her two speechless listeners. "And I ran all
ydia to Lizzie, fr
tle daughter-
and she spoke hastily, "Lizzi
a. In spite of little Patience's going, you've taken ten year
sh, "'If you were ten years older, Lydia, and I were