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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1644    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


nd put it on the patient wound." I finished my speech with a silent sigh, the prince looked at me with pride in his eyes.

with a grin, it feels incredible to

r royal highnes

? I hope he won't do anything inappropriate, I heard from many students that nobles

proposed with eloquence, his beautiful smile on his face, hazel eyes softened

r to refuse a royal proposit

d he smirked, standing straight.

bother driving me home." He said w

He acquiesced and held the d

inked at me and leave the audi

d the door, I started to

e out?" I recalled the

The professor gaped, he was still surprised,

l beside Justin, who had th

k?" He asked,

ow." I hiss

re to see you?" He said

dea, I met h

nyone to eavesdrop on our conversation, and especially someone meeting a pri

an't keep hi

n to you

day in a library?!" Justin yelped lou

to me, I'm surprised he didn't forget my name." I said wit

you are cute?" He sh


s glass

re was no way he finds me adorable, besides h

not a spoiled and annoying girl, instead, she was kind and sweet. I watched her

funny, strong, confident

ing to choose

l." Justin stated, I looked at him

amélia, not me."

get hurt. Besides, she told me to protect you." He scowled

d toward him, we held a staring contest, he

I stood up straight and ran down the stairs, I glanced back at Justin who

rse as me or medicine are there, hanging here as normal students. Faine

royal guardian, I don't know his name but he was handsome as well. Black hair covering half o

e." He said, and

oom, I glanced at the wall beside. There were several walls, p

ered my question, I guess he realize

multitalented." I sa

ince to master everything, he developed a talent wher

." He pointed out the door in f

ng something. Writing in a book that seems to be his notepad, it must be his p

king at me, I immediately closed the door an

I walked and sat there. He put finished writing the las

tiful, an artist born with intellectua

cing deep hazel eyes and soft red lips on his spotles

emilia, j

id you call me here?"

me R

I lifted m

it's easy to prono

shook my head

e smirked and I felt myself blushing

ttered, rubbing t

asn't that

ere because I have


able to say his name correctly, well pardon

my lover." He said making me flabber

at?" I asked,

r he saw my face, it might be

I want you to he

sleep with you!"

How dare he think of me lightl

things with your lover?" He asked

he can't handle a love relationship, then he should reject or learn how to love, not to chea

asked curiously, Princess Flora is a beautiful woman and kind. Both of them will rule t

gy." He said, making

words while he looked at

suggested, why is he breaking up with her just because she's clingy?

sked, not understanding ev

l highness doesn't kno

to break up and then tell her the reason why." I said wit

ides if I do that she will stalk

ed deeply and lean

asked again, looking at my eyes a

lt for me, I don't k

help hi

y mind for a long time and the guilt will drown my body, I s

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