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Author: Tasnim

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1482    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



" I said to myself, fro

I encouraged myself

he important and essential information

bs that could heal any wounds. Of course, tomorrow I will be l

book?" I said panicked, ru

ok?" I asked loudly to my roommate who is

olled my eyes annoye

I insulted myself a

pick the book ou

s hour, but this presentation

this, I took my long white coat out of my chair

rmitory, I put on the white cape that I was holding

going to be a physician, so that's why I have to face my fears. The library was close to the d

eople here, it was created by the King

ruled the country, he made this country l

were neglected by the king

ce R

kid, he showed amazing information and had loo

ried to copy his look, but nobody could reach his level

is also studying here in Hevialia Acade

year, he's 21 and he has t

eet a normal physician anyway, he had a story with Princess Fl

poke in front of the TV. I remembered in the living room that

ice, his voice full of dom

esn't know my existence. As I said, he's a celebrity. I was focusing on my dream

Rosla. I'm from a small village that is far from here. My parents wanted me to work in the be

have to get into an academy to achieve your dream job. I remembered that people from middle

you the school sys

ikely to be successful, they can use their powers whenever they want.

ithout the power of Prince Rhyker. Th

cted people with power

natural herbs books, I searched the Gelium b

ndow, holding a book. It was dark and I couldn't see his face precisely

as hard when there is no light. Suddenly the natural l

s han

s eyes reading lazily the contents of the book. The book he

rned with gorgeous features, his hazel eyes narrowed o

they are wearing black pants and the same design of

oward me and I widen

dsome man here in Rosla a


right in front of my f

, snapping out of my dre


He held the book to

ike I imagined, it

and bowed clumsil


and my s

re in my academy." He said, with richness flow

e is making m

." I said, letting my head down.

t's even rude to speak without looking at me

e, your roy

He repeated and I n

be a physician." He chuckled with amazement and ha

ready know me." He smile

said while holdin

ked playfully and I gasped, I shook hands

ld tight on my hand as if


up He

" I said in a rush, puttin

people who are close to my age." He suggested but I have to refuse since I

punish me if I get caught here

are safe." He smiled gently, he got out of the window seat and stoo

said, lifting my head up so that I can s

are yo

ur royal highness." I interrupted him and bow a

the dumb mistake ever, disre

I'm so

I will see him

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