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Word Count: 1632    |    Released on: 17/03/2023

today is the day, it's t

s beautiful, if she has shiny brown eyes, with long eyelashes, a round nose and her little mouth,

d on my doors again, I didn't want to, after all, I was happy like this, I could eat what I wanted, do

and money was not something to worry about, I opened my eyes and gave my daughter a big hug today was her grade

ing because she and Eithan were happy, all her young classmates danced to the rhythm of new music, they laughed and compared, I simply made the event work, of course his father was, my e

y surprise they were expecting another, as he gave to me, he explained, the chemistry between them was no

me always dear Larry. to which I replied neither the one nor the other, I'm just happy, the good life, but inside I was vociferating

, lately my life was so busy that I had forgotten to take care of myself and of course eat healthy

arty, I always liked the Nicholson's, what a pity their son was not the best, we would have been a

ust laughter, dancing and of course fun, I remember that her daughter's best friend went with her boyfriend, a handsome boy, about 22 years old, he called her more attention than the others, because you co

g, but with Susan she was They had understood each other in a way that cannot be explained, my daughter was beautiful, but she still had a slim body, nothing marked for her age, she was still an innocent young woman, she had never pre

was a fascinating guy, but he seemed a bit cocky, I don't know why he

d always understood each other very well, never I questioned the treatment that she would have with him, so I had full permission to frequent his house, so my time was just for me and my work, in the office

did frequently, my job and my children were all I had, according to me. happy, from time to time I remembered one of the lessons that my ex-lover Joak had given me, that sel

eard my secret

e company is asking for your profile, could you please re

red my studies to be more advanced, since there was a long-term project where I had to take charge, but I couldn't do it with my undergraduate degree alone, so I was required to do a doctorate, so many years lat

r Undergraduate Degree in Finance and I was a doctorate it was very difficult for us to meet there, we had different schedules and she was always busy or hanging out with her friend Chantal, and a n

was your first cl

thing that I liked and deep down I knew it would make me feel good, I hung out with people younger th

waist that helped me hide my extra kilos that to be honest did not bother me not at all, I was sure of who I was and the reason I had them was by my side and it made me happy,

mere idea of obtaining my doctorate for this new project made me feel successful and fervent, although he did not have love, he had an enviable salary, beautif

d by my classmates, everyone knew who I was, I was the CEO of a great company, I

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