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Chapter 1 Last Resort

Word Count: 1859    |    Released on: 16/03/2023

dust within its vastness. Out there, beyond the cosmos, lie multiple worlds, multiple timelines, and an endless loop of time that is infinite.

ll began, for one would say that the measure of a man is what

ch holds the secrets of wonders beyond time and space. I am the instructor, or as you will co

said to be the War of the Maniverse, filled with explosions and battle warships as the enemies approached the heart of Xenda. A race of ext

it go," said one of his comrades. "The Vultrax are

the security fortress and setting o

wer to rewrite history that will bring the universe to its

ess creation. The Vultrax began shooting at Pi-minus as he ran for safety, still perfecting his masterpiece, while his assistant Luthax still faced o

utes to total detonation," sai

nessed the death of his assistant Luthax, who was ripped apart by Pytronx. In a moment of desperation, Pi-minus launched

made Pytronx angrier, and he got closer to his maker, vowing to find the core no matter what. He ordered the death of Pi-minus and the entir

that shook the ground. The McCoy family was having a lovely dinner in their backyard when the xentorium core crashed i

t noise?" J

sion," said Rita. "Damn i

in the backya

but don't go too

to be working. All electronic

The kids are wit

ing as he walked towards

the xentorium

to the small, s

ouldn't come off. The core wrapped itself around Peter like it wanted to bond. The procedure was painless on the outside, but on the inside, it felt like hell. P

t caused the power outage. The hypothesis was that it looked like an asteroid or falling

eorite made its way to earth, where it landed in Vill-city and probably the entire globe. We do not know what the object looks like, as some said it was a f

son. Mark asked Peter if he was

he drill, no staying

cCoy childre

we stay up a little

prepare for school, sw

your rooms," said Jenn

n a gross way. "At least do th

ou go," said Jenna. "Ear

ophie and Rita shared a room, while

utage. One of their researchers suggested a hypothesis that it might be of alien origin attempting to make co

our hypothesis, Docto

roe. "Well, of course, I'm also a doctor

ses," said Mr. Lyrecius. "As the head of the research team, you're supposed t

to explain some vital information to the CEO, who w

lue sparkling light that resembled an electrical charge, releasing every piece of the xentorium core into his bloodstream and brainwaves. His entire body was going through the transformation stage of recalibration, and he sweated a lot in his sleep.

ere excited, but Peter seemed a bit tired. They drove for thirty minutes

fun in school," said Mas

back here after school.

: "S

ir thoughts. The core had fully evolved. As lecture was going on in class about parallel worlds and the early univer

Xentorium, your persona

him as he excused himself from class. He headed straight to the

you?" ask

m created from the very source of existence its

laimed Peter, slapping hi

to yourself, Peter McCo

hat he had experience

. It has to be," said Pe

e. "It was I who bonded with you, and from the


rium Core. "There's a lot you need to learn

ught Peter talking to himself. Peter whispered to the Xentorium Core, which informed him

ey threatened and took their cash, and cornered some boys to the restroom wall where they beat them and took their belongings. While all of this was h

ink and continued communicat

real?" asked Peter

Peter, but Peter wasn't even looking at him. "If you'v

!!" the

s deeply engrossed in his conversation with the Xentorium core. Tyson raised his fi

ry. "That was some q

ff, leaving him with a warning threat, while the

McCoy," said Tyson, wa

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1 Chapter 1 Last Resort 2 Chapter 2 You And I3 Chapter 3 It's about time4 Chapter 4 Strange visitors5 Chapter 5 Do's And Don't 6 Chapter 6 Just For Gigs7 Chapter 7 It's Our Little Secret 8 Chapter 8 New Hero in Town9 Chapter 9 Isn't that Iron man10 Chapter 10 What's your name 11 Chapter 11 We are super twins12 Chapter 12 You are not the only one with powers13 Chapter 13 New transformation 14 Chapter 14 Show me what you've got 15 Chapter 15 Ready or not here I come16 Chapter 16 Tachyon force part 117 Chapter 17 Everybody wants it18 Chapter 18 Family comes first part 119 Chapter 19 Family comes first part 220 Chapter 20 The multiverse is real part 121 Chapter 21 The multiverse is real part 222 Chapter 22 Hello, father23 Chapter 23 It's coming 24 Chapter 24 Tachyon force part 225 Chapter 25 Copycat part 126 Chapter 26 Ultra HI27 Chapter 27 We are not so different after all28 Chapter 28 Copycat part 229 Chapter 29 Ultra H.I rebirth and universal madness part 1 & 230 Chapter 30 Ultra H.I rebirth and universal madness part 331 Chapter 31 The only ones part 132 Chapter 32 The only ones part 233 Chapter 33 The Only Ones - Part 3: It's About Debbie34 Chapter 34 The Only Ones - Part 4: The great council of Sophies35 Chapter 35 The Only Ones - Part 5: Super Super Forms36 Chapter 36 A Whole New World37 Chapter 37 The Hacker's True Intentions Revealed - Part 138 Chapter 38 The Hacker's True Intentions Revealed - Part 239 Chapter 39 The Hacker's True Intentions Revealed - Part 340 Chapter 40 Birds are Strong41 Chapter 41 The mad scientist 42 Chapter 42 Time will tell43 Chapter 43 Captain shield 44 Chapter 44 You and I: Part 245 Chapter 45 Sophie's New Transformations46 Chapter 46 We're One47 Chapter 47 It's not a joke48 Chapter 48 Tough Decision Part 149 Chapter 49 Tough Decision Part 250 Chapter 50 Tough Decision Part 351 Chapter 51 Tough Decision Part 452 Chapter 52 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 153 Chapter 53 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 254 Chapter 54 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 355 Chapter 55 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 456 Chapter 56 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 557 Chapter 57 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 658 Chapter 58 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 759 Chapter 59 Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 860 Chapter 60 Creation History And Races - Part 161 Chapter 61 Creation History And Races - Part 262 Chapter 62 Creation History And Races - Part 363 Chapter 63 Creation History And Races - Part 464 Chapter 64 Creation History And Races - Part 565 Chapter 65 The Arrival - Part 166 Chapter 66 The Arrival - Part 267 Chapter 67 Curtechyian Madness - Part 168 Chapter 68 Oceanian Wars - Part 169 Chapter 69 Oceanian Wars - Part 270 Chapter 70 Oceanian Wars - Part 371 Chapter 71 Chapter 71: Into the Ultra Subatomic Verse - Part 172 Chapter 72 Into The Ultra Subatomic Verse - Part 273 Chapter 73 Into The Ultra Subatomic Verse - Part 374 Chapter 74 Into The Ultra Subatomic Verse - Part 475 Chapter 75 The Storm By Surprise - Part 176 Chapter 76 The Storm By Surprise - Part 2: The Cosmic Babies 77 Chapter 77 The Storm By Surprise - Part 3: The Unexpected 78 Chapter 78 The Storm By Surprise - Part 4: The Unexpected (Episode 2)79 Chapter 79 The Storm By Surprise - Part 5: The Unexpected (Episode 3)80 Chapter 80 Goodbye, Old Friend, Till We Meet Again81 Chapter 81 Akira Kurosawa Toyamari82 Chapter 82 Captain Shield 2: Resurrected Pasts and Deadly Alliances83 Chapter 83 Captain Shield 3: Resurrected Pasts and Deadly Alliances84 Chapter 84 The Tales Of JASSEDG 85 Chapter 85 Welcome To The Team86 Chapter 86 The Elementals - Part 187 Chapter 87 The Elementals - Part 288 Chapter 88 The Elementals - Part 389 Chapter 89 The Elementals - Part 490 Chapter 90 The Elementals - Part 591 Chapter 91 Curtechyian Madness - Part 292 Chapter 92 Curtechyian Madness - Part 393 Chapter 93 Curtechyian Madness - Part 494 Chapter 94 Curtechyian Madness - Part 595 Chapter 95 Curtechyian Madness - Part 696 Chapter 96 Curtechyian Madness - Part 797 Chapter 97 Curtechyian Madness - Part 898 Chapter 98 Curtechyian Madness - Part 999 Chapter 99 Curtechyian Madness - Part 10100 Chapter 100 Jessica's Adventure - Part 1