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The Wolf's Destiny

Chapter 2 The barkeep

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 10/03/2023

side of middle age, but due to the beard, he seemed older. The smile still percolated on his lips. Trying to fig

ed water and glanced down at her

ne?" Sam asked, on

ggled, her glasses slipped, an

he dingy tavern windows, and then the

a pitcher of beer,

g in his words. Both men wore leather jackets, plaid shirts, denim, cowboy hats, and boots, and they appeared to be twins. Multiple births abound among lupus garous, so no su

presence o

lighter of the two, longer, curling around his broad shoulders, his fac

his stetson

body heated, and alarm bel

struck. "The place looks a little better t

Didn't you tell her it's a private club, a

First come, first served." Sam

ght he'd sit in the center, so everyone could see

to keep a low profile. The tables situated on the other side of the bar sat in front of the restrooms. Anywhere else was too near the front door or in the middle of the floor, and no matter what,

is good for the soul." He stalked over to the table opposite her a

what had made her think she could enter th

er, he'd have to turn his head and be pretty obvious about it. He did. The expression on his face

ere Jake and Tom sat, then shifted their attention to Lelandi. Which meant what?


re nearly as old, gray streaking their brown beards, their gazes pinned on her. "Bring us th

orders at the facto

"Fourth of July's coming f

o the restrooms to lessen the chance of cre

open again. Th

ction. His sable hair curled at the top edge of his collar. Brooding dark eyes, grim lips, and features that were handsomely rugged but definitely har

leader of the gray lupus garou in the area. Had to be,

seen him before in her life. It wasn't his face, or clothes, or body, that stimulated

Lelandi was here, he'd be pissed. A shiver trickled down her spine. She released her purse and kept her seat for the momen

her, and incredu

t didn't matter that the heavy padded leather jacket gave her broader shoulders and made her appear heavier or that she wore her hair straight as blades of uncut grass, compliments o

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