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For The Stars Have Sinned

Chapter 3 Sunset at Dock

Word Count: 1781    |    Released on: 09/03/2023

t and

ay from the private dock. Lyndon was just following behind and I had no plans

r nothing, but he placed a warm jacket around my shoulder and my teeth stopped ch

nose. From the angle I could see, it was as if the dim rays of the sun pa

He has the looks but the a

the shipyard. Here is the place wher

ooks of some of Papa's employees who kept on pulling something while looking at my direction from time to time. They knew me because I always walk p

was going to buy me new clothes. I raised my brow at him. "What are you up to?" I asked but he didn'

ve. Our first meeting was not that

bout the motive of that man when there are clothes in

ave dried a little earlier so the sea water is no longer dripping on the floor. Papa turne

I laughed wryly. "N

obably have clothes on the other side,"

He was waiting here earlier but I didn't send him

g for a personalized pen and signing

othes a

u have a lot of c

at he knew why Lyndo

him money?

"He don't need

ighed. "Change your clothes now.

o is Engine

ng involved in the massacre there in Boljoon,' I said in

aid and reached for the second folder. I glanced a

rd that he wants to export goods to other countries. As of the moment, the business is still at the local level so he

door on the side of his office and I opened it before stepping insid

ster, he's still in a side view, and what's more painful is that he's only looking at

es. And since someone showed up to buy, I thought I'd just wait for that one.

he fish market, so I can see the Pasil Fish Market from here. The market is illuminated by l

so I quickly opened the door to get the clothes he had bought, but Papa's face appeared

e sea, Pa. It was at the bottom so I

there at the pier. There is clean water

t Papa. "I

in. I was about to step back to the balcony when someone knocked again. I blew

. "What happened?" I asked and winced. I smelled something fishy when the wind blew in my direction. I

re you


my position so I quickly stood up. But suddenly I lost my balance and

es and looked away. "T-Thank you!" I said the

tes and calmed my fast heartbeat. I didn't know why, but his eyes told me that he kne

a choice but to smile at him and accept his unfathomable ga

earlier. Rishell, this is Mr. Davies, one of the outstanding bachelors in the prov

around not far away. He has a plan to renovate the building, and I guess it's a good decision since the b

Lyndon said and extended

ould know that I'm itching to punch his smug smile. "Likewise. I hope you'll

squeeze. I was stunned. I saw how the smile on his lips widened whe

rned my gaze to Papa. "I'm going

to take the b

e trip is onl

bus. It's too late." Papa looked down at his wrist

e the bus. I just took a deep breath. "Alright," I said casually to P

ke. "Be careful not

ered. "Thanks for your con

one. The full moon was fixed in the sky and because it was close to the sea,

e dock even though the road was dark because the distance between the light poles was large. Fortunately, I h

poke behind me. "Miss, the sea water is cold at night. It's ni

g in the sea at this time? Mayb

the person who spoke was joking but

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1 Chapter 1 Victimless Crime2 Chapter 2 Underwater3 Chapter 3 Sunset at Dock4 Chapter 4 Unwanted Guest5 Chapter 5 Back at Campus6 Chapter 6 Something's New7 Chapter 7 Meet Them8 Chapter 8 Along the road9 Chapter 9 Challenge10 Chapter 10 Knowing him11 Chapter 11 Alone with Levi12 Chapter 12 Practice13 Chapter 13 His Affection14 Chapter 14 Inside the cottage15 Chapter 15 Kiss under the sea16 Chapter 16 Becoming his partner17 Chapter 17 Through the night18 Chapter 18 Scandalous fan19 Chapter 19 The woman around him20 Chapter 20 Confused feelings21 Chapter 21 Messy night with him22 Chapter 22 Another victim23 Chapter 23 Small world24 Chapter 24 Stop courting25 Chapter 25 Wrong call26 Chapter 26 Discovered27 Chapter 27 One night near the paddy field28 Chapter 28 At the hospital29 Chapter 29 His care30 Chapter 30 Tending wounds31 Chapter 31 Guy on the plane32 Chapter 32 Resort33 Chapter 33 The chase34 Chapter 34 Inside the court35 Chapter 35 The letter36 Chapter 36 His invitation37 Chapter 37 Rip off38 Chapter 38 Picnic under the stars39 Chapter 39 After that night40 Chapter 40 Forgotten41 Chapter 41 Dressing room42 Chapter 42 Performance43 Chapter 43 Drink it44 Chapter 44 Signing contract45 Chapter 45 Meeting her parents46 Chapter 46 Weird man47 Chapter 47 Rei48 Chapter 48 Good girl49 Chapter 49 The debt should be paid50 Chapter 50 Feeling dirty51 Chapter 51 Shameless couple52 Chapter 52 Secret relationship53 Chapter 53 Drunk Tiden confessed54 Chapter 54 The past55 Chapter 55 Witness56 Chapter 56 Possessive Levi57 Chapter 57 Pregnant after that drunken nig58 Chapter 58 Escaped with Lyndon59 Chapter 59 After five years60 Chapter 60 Admit it61 Chapter 61 Jerk62 Chapter 62 Do you like my gift 63 Chapter 63 Finale