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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1373    |    Released on: 04/03/2023

looking at her boy

said a while later."I've been seeing t

it he's

ue,and besides I own a cleaning company and he's a successful lawyer who socia

u do that."Sage

only the help."Sage has never seen her boss's boss."I didn't think he was serious but

ing else matters.Right?"Sage took a


d y

not to love about him,he treats me good,makes me

akes you happy then don't deprive yourself of

for the talk,I neede

my boss I consid

r did.I can see now why Gina loves y

s coming to visit next weekend maybe t

Sean popped the b

ully he w


t me?"She

on the dat

cate my life they keep me busy enough.I don't want or need a man anyway

one he'll accept an

ld my breat

friend's dinner party on Saturday,c

in.Look at me."She waved a hand down her body."I'm so plain and dull,and don't have anything to wear for the p

and enjoyed yourself,it's been ages between work

around them and I p

hurt and don't worry about paying me back consider everything a thank you gift."Sage didn't say anything anymore,Kim took her to an expensive boutique Sage had told her there was no need but her reply had been."I can afford it."Sage loved

and you."

guys.How ar

reat nanny for them her name i

t me,I should've known I'd get r

r before bed,they staring at

n misses them and th

u welcome to visit Se

ake time off."She could hear the disappointment in

go it's dinner time for

simple,yet elegant.Floral lace shapes a rounded neckline a princess seamed bodice with a low draping back,a flaring mermaid maxi skirt falls from a fitted waist,a hidden zip was on the s

ick wavy curls to finish the look she wore linear drop earrings,a teardrop bangle on her wrist and a stone clutch purse. She cannot remember ever seeing herself

e.Shaking off the memory she went to check on the boys one last time,Kim had offered for them to spent the night at her home because Casey was watching the boys for her

e found Luca and Kim in the livingroom kissing they pulled apart when

d."Luca.This is Sa

ded hand."Pleasure t


along won't be a

ine is hosting a party to celebrate the pr

w shocked I was when I was told I'm carryi

a's eyes landed on Kim,Sage can see the love he has for her,she doesn't

eem endless,her hair was tied up.Kim had a nice slim body whereas she has curves although her baby fat is gone and her stomach is flat like it use

to happen.Soon they drove out of Westake Village leaving it behind,they drove on the highway for about fifteen minutes before turn

r with long drive ways up to the house and from the looks of it,it seems there were very fe

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