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Destiny: The Winter Princess

Chapter 5 Wolf

Word Count: 1345    |    Released on: 20/02/2023

at all kelvin" I gr

" he asked

like he recently completed the process of sucking blood for supper. Furthermore, his

can't describe lex because h

us have a walk outside together?" he as

ut Rachel

ed going inside my room and to my su

in and he was waiting patiently

asked raising one o

o" I smiles stretching my hands

face in this place even thou

he asked and I turned my head

and you?"

e and death and when you are chosen you get to fight demons and kill the d

d?" he added aga

h is to kill all demons. And also kill the devil himse

m determine about this" he sa

h a smile on your face?" he aske

hed a d he chuckled with me. "

sadly as he ran his fi

's dead," I muttered, squeezing his palm in mine for bot

nd demons, Huh?" he asked and I nodde

It was so hard for me you know? Growing up withou

ou feel" I told him

e. Most of the students who were attending the academy are either here to ave

said with a little smile. "I know

u think we are gonna

e Academy's ground isn't safe. " he

d then looked out the hallway wind

oom now. Good night Kelvin" I told him and

ny." He mumbled, smile

o my room but then, I saw June an

hink they were doing as

nd them without

utes untill we got to a place

rd Frex say "Damn, it's so fucking dark and

nto the forest. "where are y'all going to?" I asked an

wning at me. "were you stalking us?

manny. Why are getting worked up about

lked up to me. "Destiny, don't mind ma

e out here everytime? they might be demon lurking t

e he hardly said a word and

. We only came here t

manny said and i only rolled m

re" Gold said gestu

safe place to train." I told Go

ly and I released a sigh from

behave weird sometimes" june

g dinner you know" I said movi

d and I nodded While Manny only rolled he

behind a bush and turne

e that tree over there" I stammered, point

ing" Gold replied lo

yone became terrified abd gat

" I whispered, lookin

ut behind an old big tree. It was a massiv

is was a

started running a

we all hold our hands like someone that's a

k and I almost scoffed. Says a girl that just t

and it kept on sneering and snapping at

ng closer to us, w

red shakily, afraid to anger t

d and I slightly tutnee my head to look at him and

Like its was trying to stop itself from moving closer to us. Shaking

ore us, its started tra

shock as I began running towards

me like it was a prayer as

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