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Her Quiet Revenge

Chapter 7Ā Seven

Word Count: 1026 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 23/04/2023

so into the book I was reading; it was quite interesting, and the p

the most interesting part of the book, and it needed my full attention, I tho

to be rude, but all I wanted right now was to get back to my book. Smiling a l

, I shake my head before

ck to the bed, jumping on it and pic

k on the door again, this time groan

hite uniform on, I couldn't help but wonder who she was. She

d not being able to meet her eyes. "Marquis Alfonso ask

osing the door behind me as she led the way, a

me golden initials on it, she bowed her head

e in before opening the door. Looking around the roo

on the left side of the room. Wow, he must really like gazing outs

there with the devil sitting behind it, looking at me with mockin

e them a raise considering the fact that you stood the

seat in front of him. "You called for me," I said, grimacing

rriage," he said, looking up from the documen

s I knew it was an important di

ng it next week, what d

soon, but then again, it needed to be done, and the soon

nodding my head. "It's a good idea; we mig

to voice out what I was about to say, as he held a titl

e urged me to continue saying

e should have a small wedding with not too many people-ju

ding his head. "That way people won

asn't ready to face the world again, and definitely not as someone who is supposed t

a story about your disappearance so as to avoid unnecessary problems in the future." He

trying to burst out of his shirt. They looked yummy, and I couldn't

air, trying to clear my thoughts, which surprised me as I was one of those girls

him to see him already looking at me, smirking, then l

under his grinning smile before whispering, "Are you s

ve seen enough," I said, standing up and making my way out of the office before my heart and eyes betray

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