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Martyr Wife Book 1

Chapter 3 Martyr Wife Book 1

Word Count: 1259    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

so, because it's difficult because it always breaks. With so many people who use the pot, somet

y more in line waiting for him to finish. Even so, despite the difficulty, he continued

this to him, and he was very sur

fill it, just wait for me o

g behind him will get annoyed with him if he persists. While Anton was filling his bucket, he was staring at him. He sm

icked it up, which made Daisy stare,

u take my bucket?” Da

an't do this!" said that Daisy was

but Anton's only response was a smile. It still contin

said Daisy, she couldn't stop being afraid especia

d the bucket. He looked a

g to insist, but on one condition...” Anton hung up what he w


her to be friends with him, but maybe her older brother would find out. He remembered that his older brother had told him not to go n

refusal. Out of all the women who are crazy and obsessed with Anton, Daisy is the only one w

vous. Why is it that with so many people Anton can be friends with, he really doesn't hang out much outside of them. He only wandered off once,

as he just watched as Daisy left,

tely put a bucket in the sink, an

y for me when I get home, I'll taste it!” he said angrily, while entering the

hile looking for something to wear, he noticed a piece of paper tucked

n the paper. The lips are trembling, becau

h you? How about me? Who is my ally in this house?” Daisy whispered t

of resi

” Daisy angrily threw the paper she was holding. Get up and run out of the house. His mother, Betina, did not notice him as she was currently taking a bath in the bathroom.While crying, Daisy just kept running. He no longer cares if people look at him. What was important to him was to be able to breathe in that crowded and lonely house. He

e's really alone, he can't even hope that his older brother, who has been his support in everything, will come back

w too? I thought you were joking when you told me you were leaving. Because you said you wouldn't leave m

it was getting late, it was getting dark around him so he decided to walk home. Because he was thinking about his brother,

he almost doesn't look back. He could almost hear the strong beating of his heart, his knees shaking as he walked quickly. Until he heard a ru

t after he fell he heard

meone grabbed his shoulder, so he looked up a

" exclai

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