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MINE Endless Love

Chapter 4 : The wedding

Word Count: 1555    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

g dress and stepped out of the car. She was goi

t Jenny was sad. She was forced into it. Brides were usually full of s

omy and deliberately was not interested in having makeup on. She was ge

would gladly do it. This is the least she can do

ined. She was wearing a hill, too high for her and

o the wedding, if she so wishes. All that mattered to herwas meetin

covered she might be having a dislocation. She a

ountenance changed. Why did the Davis change the bride

girl? Who is she in the first place? But because they

ould be willing to be married to a man who wo

her. Just stay by his side and remain a vir

Eduardo was waiting in his wheelchair. He wore an expensive s

. He possessed a powerful aura that despite being on a w

ility. He was fine until he had an accident a year

per. It wasn't easy though to suddenly becom

he wasn't supposed to be the bride. It was suppo

whatever is pushed before him. He pretended to

ciously looked at his legs. That action caused a sli

lly. Why is she reminding him that he was getting married

d. The voice is familiar. She looked at

unning and escaping from men pursuing him.

o himself and started kissing her. She was st

rd men in their numbers running in th

issed him, circling her hands around his

rned and were making a phone call " He escaped". They continued

on they heard the noise of the cars zooming of

which appeared a little rumpled. He was goi

without another word but a car headlights

t. Why is he on a wheelchair now? Jen

ne in the city knew that Eduardo Anderson was crip

simply waited to be joined. Soon the

of the finest of diamonds. It glitter

y will live the rest of her life in regrets. Thank goodness her parents were wise a

function, how can he make love to his wife. She won

and Jenny sighed softly. How does she do it when her husband is

can't stand up anhe can't force her to bend to his lev

culty, to kiss him. But before her lips could reach he's, he

, Jenny wanted to get up but Eduardo An

r and the reception was not necessary. He is gra

ted that she should remain on his thighs

bride. Betty was satisfied with how everything was handle

ception. He was in a hurry to take his ride home. And it's not like

Mansion was housed, protocols stood on the two sides while

ion was. She was just newly wedded and every one of

ey got into the Mansion. She was taken to her room

om henceforth. She was not going to share hi

he same room? She thought couples were to share t

ked her if she was expecting anything else after th

o the sofa and sighed audibly. Finally she's free from

wife. There are limits to how he would treat h

ked in, holding a first aid box. " You will have to treat

e? He probably cancelled the wedding reception as a re

fully stretched her hand out and collected the

went out. He didn't want to see her tears. Tears, es

y wedding dress and carefully sta

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1 Chapter 1 : At the glass house2 Chapter 2 Mother's suffering3 Chapter 3 : Marry a cripple4 Chapter 4 : The wedding5 Chapter 5 : Rodrigo promised6 Chapter 6 : Time will tell7 Chapter 7 : Saved his life8 Chapter 8 :My girlfriend9 Chapter 9 : It was you 10 Chapter 10 : Not compatible11 Chapter 11 : Self inflicted torture12 Chapter 12 : Gave her back13 Chapter 13 : Don't blame Emma14 Chapter 14 : Find my daughter15 Chapter 15 : Impotent16 Chapter 16 : You are a good person17 Chapter 17 : Open secret18 Chapter 18 : No one to call her own19 Chapter 19 : I want a divorce20 Chapter 20 : Your request isn't granted21 Chapter 21 : Trusted an evil man22 Chapter 22 : You are mistaken23 Chapter 23 : Dinner with the Andersons24 Chapter 24 : Jenny is my wife25 Chapter 25 : I guess, I am26 Chapter 26 : Almost27 Chapter 27 : Pregnant28 Chapter 28 kill my parents killers29 Chapter 29 Pregnant30 Chapter 30 Lillian has a baby31 Chapter 31 Married an impotent man32 Chapter 32 A birth mark33 Chapter 33 Murderer34 Chapter 34 Arrested35 Chapter 35 Feel his wrath36 Chapter 36 Visit to the prison.37 Chapter 37 That was too much38 Chapter 38 Regain consciousness39 Chapter 39 Their house was gone40 Chapter 40 : Love is a Scam41 Chapter 41 : Wounded heart42 Chapter 42 : Call me darling43 Chapter 43 : Revenge called Engagement44 Chapter 44 : Your father has betrayed us45 Chapter 45 : Kimberly is Free46 Chapter 46 : Camilla has to die47 Chapter 47 : Eduardo has arrived48 Chapter 48 : Poisoned49 Chapter 49 : A bride without a groom.50 Chapter 50 : Embarrassed51 Chapter 51 : Is she dead or alive 52 Chapter 52 : I don't have a Family53 Chapter 53 : We love you54 Chapter 54 : A sudden realisation55 Chapter 55 Camilla was pregnant.56 Chapter 56 : A new life57 Chapter 57 : Almost lost her life58 Chapter 58 : Is that you my child 59 Chapter 59 : Ambrose Kelvin is missing60 Chapter 60 : She's pure hearted61 Chapter 61 : What have you done 62 Chapter 62 : Dinner with siblings63 Chapter 63 : Do you love me 64 Chapter 64 :Where is Camilla 65 Chapter 65 : A sudden Visit66 Chapter 66 : Lola regretted67 Chapter 67 : Tom Clancy68 Chapter 68 : His voice in her head.69 Chapter 69 : A Surprised Party.70 Chapter 70 : Until Camilla is found.71 Chapter 71 : Will you fall in love again 72 Chapter 72 : A new appointment73 Chapter 73 : A wedding of Shame.74 Chapter 74 : Happy Together75 Chapter 75 : Together Again.76 Chapter 76 : An impulse to know more.77 Chapter 77 : Hard to deal with.78 Chapter 78 : Not a baby79 Chapter 79 : Exposed80 Chapter 80 : Is Justin aware 81 Chapter 81 : Forgive Me.82 Chapter 82 : Maybe it's him83 Chapter 83 : Run him over.84 Chapter 84 : Broken Ribs85 Chapter 85 : You Want him dead 86 Chapter 86 : Still in love with Rodrigo87 Chapter 87 : Hallucinating 88 Chapter 88 : Camilla's Return89 Chapter 89 : Birthday party90 Chapter 90 : Humiliated him91 Chapter 91 : It's Over now92 Chapter 92 : Rush of adrenaline93 Chapter 93 : Chosen not to know94 Chapter 94 : Hot Confrontation95 Chapter 95 : Two years passed96 Chapter 96 : An Unknown secret97 Chapter 97 : Begin Again