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The Lycan king's slave

Chapter 5 Ch 5; Christy

Word Count: 1791    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

was going to work, even though Luke had not shown up yet, that night was supposed to be practi

us "Oh my mama is gone now, she left peacefully, and I was able to bury her in a place where she had always wanted with the money you kept sending to us, we always get the money, and they never came late. When I reached out to the accountant, he told me that you always set aside the money to be paid to me, I never got a chance to thank you all those times, so I am here saying thank you and I am pledging my loyalty to you " She said, and really demonstrating it, she stood up and bowed down before me, I was immediately taken aback, the rest were looking at us now, I had only done that because I knew they would need the money and I know how it feels having money one day, and then no having money the next, it might make someone who is unable to work but taking care of her agile mother think so much that it might affect their health, I picked her up " Please stand up, I am really appreciative of all this but I don't think this is necessary, I don't need you to pledge your loyalty to me because of that " She stood up, she is a lovely woman, and her smile bright. "I know I don't have to, but I want to, I have been meaning to get to you, But I couldn't, there were people around you all the time," She said and I thought of the irony of that, I am left with no one now. Then I suddenly remembered " What are you doing here? What did you do? " "Nothing, I did nothing, I just volunteered, I thought it would be better to be away from here, than stay in this pack, I have tried to get some work since my mama died instead of waiting for the money you always bring in, I wanted to just work, I didn't want to feel worthless, I don't have any family around here, so there is really no reason for me to stay here. Nobody would give me any job, they keep saying that I am too old and I would not be able to do most of the work, but we both know that that's not really the only reason, they just don't want me to do anything to tarnish their image " She said smiling, maybe she has already gotten used to her own fate like I am used to mine too. Or maybe she is just trying to look at the bigger picture. "You made all of us have hope again, we were able to get visits from the Alpha when you started coming, it had never happened before, and you gave hope to a lot of people. He never showed up before you started coming to visit us. You don't have to apologize for anything., you did more than enough " she said. At the mention of Adrian, my wounds opened again, I had thought that they said out of sight was out of mind, but now that was not also working. Even though I don't feel like I used to feel about him anymore, his face is still clear in my mind. . . And the face of the sick bitch he had cheated on me with. " But why did you volunteer? I think there is more than enough and better than going to the Lycan

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1 Chapter 1 Ch 1; The betrayal2 Chapter 2 Ch 2; The confrontation3 Chapter 3 Ch 3; The white room4 Chapter 4 Ch 4; The white room 25 Chapter 5 Ch 5; Christy6 Chapter 6 Ch 6; The failed escape7 Chapter 7 ch 7; the lycan king8 Chapter 8 Ch 8; what's the fear 9 Chapter 9 Ch 9; Regret10 Chapter 10 Ch 10; The elevation11 Chapter 11 Ch 11; the confrontation12 Chapter 12 Ch 12; HIM13 Chapter 13 Ch 13; the lycan king's personal slave.14 Chapter 14 Ch 14; you are mine.15 Chapter 15 Ch 15; watch me punish the prisoners16 Chapter 16 Ch 16; Fear, as it creeps my heart.17 Chapter 17 Ch 17; Ain't you here to warm my bed 18 Chapter 18 Ch 18; Showers of the rain19 Chapter 19 Ch 19; Her seductive body20 Chapter 20 Ch 20; the gorgeous brother21 Chapter 21 The not-so-secret vacation 22 Chapter 22 Ch 22; Why do you hate me so 23 Chapter 23 Ch 23; Out of my head24 Chapter 24 Ch 24; Elisabeth's mother25 Chapter 25 Ch 25; unsettled affairs26 Chapter 26 Ch 26; The regret 27 Chapter 27 Ch 27;unmatched plan28 Chapter 28 Ch 28; Misplaced jealousy 29 Chapter 29 Ch 29; No trail back30 Chapter 30 Ch 30; The futile journey 31 Chapter 31 Ch 31; No turning back32 Chapter 32 Ch 32; Another enemy 33 Chapter 33 Ch 33; Chris34 Chapter 34 Ch 34; Chris 235 Chapter 35 Ch; 36 Chapter 36 Ch 3637 Chapter 37 Ch 3738 Chapter 38 Ch 3839 Chapter 39 Ch 3940 Chapter 40 Ch 4041 Chapter 41 Ch42 Chapter 42 Ch 4243 Chapter 43 Ch 4344 Chapter 44 Ch 4445 Chapter 45 Ch 4546 Chapter 46 Ch 4647 Chapter 47 Ch 4748 Chapter 48 Ch 4849 Chapter 49 Ch 4950 Chapter 50 Ch 50