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Reborn as a High School Student

Chapter 9 Solution

Word Count: 2218    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

und the crowd. Finally, his eyes fell on

at this time his mind was numb, and

e medical expenses, lost work fees, n

t his hands in his trouser pockets, looking fo

le, the coins crackled and he

looked down, and asked, "M

yone around him, saying, "Everyone

nd, and even Sun Kai walked over w

and soon the table was covered wit

ept around on the table, and after a few rou

nd muttered in a low vo

e was too lazy to take anothe

take them?" Gao Han

the yellow hair, if the bone is well connected, maybe there

Hang seemed to remember something, he quickly ca

ook at him and asked with a smi

es that seemed to be covered with a mist,

time, Brother Yi's two tendons were

it, it's none

kely to come out. Without Brother

e of my b

In the future, you will be our boss and

oungsters present was dissatisfaction. What were

ned just now, the dissatisfaction in p

st better than Brother Yi. If Old Fatty became the boss i

ed it against Gao Hang's face, then his arm suddenly pushed o

ut without looking back, and

other, even if you called m

e. He wanted to hide from these little bastards.

e was forced to do so, he woul

ad to spend a lot of energy, and it would take a few years to make it possible. He

l doesn't want to come, which bas

opera, shaking his round bo

tch up, but Sun Kai took th

rriedly said: "The second donkey

s, what do you mean? You really

Kai and asked, "Do you

just reached his mouth, and he s

ention being their boss, was not

uldn't see thr

ere shocked by Wu Jinhuan alone just now, watching him broke the y

torn apart. After being silent for a while, he muttered in a low voice: "Since the last fierce fight, Old Fat

d he didn't want to understand. In short, Wu Jinhuan was t

me back and be our boss, we will defeat Li Hongx

ty, he obviously wanted to draw a line wi

was a diff

hese, let's quickly send the

y hit him

o blame on Old Fatty. It's pu

e, but found all of them. In front of them, he just broke the yellow hair's arm and leg,

erhaps no one would dare to f

s not only the change of skill, but also

the yellow hair this time was Wu Jinhuan'

opportunity, he also st

around, and the air was very good. Wu Jinhuan was very satisfied with walking around in the garde

and when he got home, it was alrea

me, Yu Huan had alr

red the door, he was

light in the master bedroom lighted up,

didn't have to move lightly, he quickly put on h

g for you t

d, "If I don't come back overnig

that his words seemed a bit excessive. He said, "Go to

also need to go

re sportswear and went to the p

just dawning, and not many

is head. When he ran for two circles, he was already breat

satisfying him, but it was much be

fitness equipme

em one by one, and

r to buy fitness equipment. This place

out. He was about to go home, and when he was going out,

d past c

d tree. Although the trunk was wrapped with a thick layer of hemp rope, ev

nd of punch the old man was punc

r a moment, he chuckled

suddenly, looked at Wu Jinhuan who was about to tur

urned figure back, raised hi

Jinhuan and asked, "Wha

to make Kung Fu movies, at best can strengthen th

You draw the long bow at a young age. Don't jump

. He said casually: "You should practice more. Depending on your age,

again, and the old man suddenly asked, "I

it, only knowing some

fighting skills c

is lips, the meanin

ow about we have

nd down. He said: "Forget it, you are at old age,

you cure me, but I will give you m

u kiddi

lly me

w m

h as yo

aised his eyebrows, and said

shaking his head and laugh

s not a patent for young people, old

ted so agilely and thoughtfully, and kn

"I don't have two and a half million pounds,

was not a small amount for him now. At least he cou

I can accept

ng the old man was as easy as he r

ry. He spread his legs apart, his waist sank, his arms were like willows, and he ma

e." Wu Jinhuan re

ally. After he pulled up both sleeves, he suddenly rushed sideways and r

ened his side ki

g, the old man

little surprise and said, "Youn

nhuan hit the old man's face

efore the rebirth. If he kicked from the side befo

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