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The Immortal Against the Gods

Chapter 5 Disengagement

Word Count: 2594    |    Released on: 21/02/2023

with people. They came at once from all direc

g, how's m

le right hand. Looking at Ye Yuan who was at the state of unconsciousness,

Yuan's body. It was quiet in the room. Everyone was looking at the old man a

he public, "His dantian has been shattered by the murder. All his cultivation base has gone. Luckily

yone could no

ck his tears. He tightly held Ye Y

the storm. It was a brand-new day. However, there came many

e disappear, but also his dantian was destroyed. This news quic

d. Servants were serving tea. The guests see

he bed of Ye Yuan. Ye Yuan leaned on Ye Yun's arms as if he was ten years older within one

uan heard the angry sound of Ye Wentian, "Who on earth

seventies couldn't c

nd calm down. Ye Xinghe looked at Ye Yuan and said, "I have scrutinized the scene. There

d Earth School.

School?!" Everyo

s!" Ye Yun's heart sank. He was in a towering rage but

was one of the three killer sects, paralleling with Ziyi Pavilion and Luosha Hall. No one knew its

ust a legend. Its existen

ld even match Xuanwu School. Although it is a killer sect, the d

e someone hiring them to attack us. The person who hired them must be tough to deal with. Now in

n and Earth School would attack us anymore. Currently, the most important thing is

nd find another leader. Otherwise, Ye Clan would be in a mess

quickly. He contemplated for a long time, glancing at Ye Yuan and said, "The current situation concern

eft the room. No one cared about

t beside him with an indignant expression. But he quickly changed his expr

ze Ye Yun up, feeling satisfie

drink." Ye Yun han

nough. I'm not thirsty now. Trust me. I have gone through much. This doesn’

, I know what they are planning. They have long waited to be the leader. This is the


left face. Ye Yuan severely scolded him, "Yun! Have you forgotten my wo

Ye Yuan's injury and stopped the argument. He wo

he verge of tears. For years, this was the first time that he had slapped Ye Yun w

n changed the topic. "Dad, did

idn't make it clear directly. But I met Yan Linlang. She has already been the disciple of Xuanwu School. With

n Ming, Xuanwu School would definitely accept that. Well, Qin Clan, they indeed ga

anwu School at the age of six. Now even the Yan Clan would fear Qin Clan. In the eyes of Yan Clan, their biggest enemy is not us but Qin Clan. In order to fig

hool at the age of six. What did that mean? As far as Ye Yun knew, Xuanwu

s just fifteen now. She has already built the foundation and en

lly built foundati

called genius because he reached level four of Flesh Immortal at the age of

tired to do so. Ye Yun helped him with his quilt and s

ars. His father, the one who was once his dre

Yan Clan sent some people to come to visit us. It is said that Yan Linlang

is tears and said to the servant, "Go f

ront of the stone balustrades and put the paper there. When he was about to write down something, he suddenly chan

yard of the


Yun. I wonder how

ith others constantly coming in. When Ye Yun entered indiffer

of Ye Yuan. He could probabl


he want to be humilia

rdless of his esteem, fanning. They seemed to

anging his countenance. Suddenly, he stood still and cas

he was tall and wore long hair. Her eyebrow looked like a crescent moon and her ey

his heart, remembering the scene of his childhood.

on. However, he ran into a quiet yard with pond by accident. There was a floating bridge on the pond which was filled with lotuse

ever forget, even if he didn't see the face of the flower fairy clear

there were te

ul thinking!

he whole Ye Clan. How could he still have the courage to c

And some even shouted it loud. From their perspectives, Ye Yun was no longer the

ceful figure came as if she was dancing,

things, especially the most pre

sight. He realized that he dreamed again. Taking out the pape

in Ming will ne

ple snigger

Ye Yun in a domineering manner. He scorned Ye Yun and laughed,

, his enemy who put him into the current situation. Ye Yun stopped and looked at the gi

rous face, "How dare

f you don't kill me now, I will definitely kill you in the future. If you don't have that courage, shut

as c

eld everyone's breat

I won't fuss with an idiot." Qin Ming w

s especially eye-catching. Everyone looked at him curio

ven and earth, today, I, Ye Yun, wrote down the paper of disengagement in my blood. I decided to disengage from my fiancé

e pierced through his palm, blood flowed down. Then he pulled it out and broke it off, th


me si

now on, you have nothing to do with me!" After these indifferent word

t of Ye Yun with their own eyes. How dare he write dow

embled and stamped her feet. She sai

, Qin Ming said gloomil

d away from the sight of everyone, leavin

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1 Chapter 1 Genius No More2 Chapter 2 The Big Day, The Broke-up Day3 Chapter 3 A Thousand-Year Master4 Chapter 4 Grievous News5 Chapter 5 Disengagement6 Chapter 6 The Invincible Flesh and Blood7 Chapter 7 Qingyang Town8 Chapter 8 Cultivate the Body by Blood9 Chapter 9 And Then There Were None10 Chapter 10 Benming Spiritual Pearl11 Chapter 11 The Level Three of Weight-lifting12 Chapter 12 Collided to Death13 Chapter 13 Sneaking into His Own House14 Chapter 14 - The Revenge of Yang Clan15 Chapter 15 - Display the Talent for the First Time16 Chapter 16 - Reach the Level Four17 Chapter 17 - The Ancient Elder Appeared18 Chapter 18 - Broken Sword City19 Chapter 19 - Demonic Bear with Four Arms20 Chapter 20 - Level Five of Qi Internalization21 Chapter 21 - The Power of Overlord22 Chapter 22 Making a Little Fortune23 Chapter 23 Entrapment24 Chapter 24 The Ringer25 Chapter 25 All in Vain26 Chapter 26 Becoming Brothers27 Chapter 27 Distributing Property28 Chapter 28 Cultivator of Lanfeng Sect29 Chapter 29 The Heaven for Powerhouses30 Chapter 30 The Burst of Ancient Restrictions31 Chapter 31 Unexpected Treasures32 Chapter 32 Accidents After Accidents33 Chapter 33 Killing the Monstrous Elder Yan34 Chapter 34 Snake Spirit Armor35 Chapter 35 The Blood Mansion Furnace36 Chapter 36 A Terrifying High-level Beast37 Chapter 37 Disturbance in Sword Jade Pavilion38 Chapter 38 Conspiracy of Lanfeng Sect39 Chapter 39 Hua Tianci, the Celestial Immortal40 Chapter 40 The Revulsion of the Clan41 Chapter 41 Mystery of Birth42 Chapter 42 The Truth43 Chapter 43 Resoluteness