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Sweet Love (Psycho love)

Chapter 2 Undeniable feelings

Word Count: 2154    |    Released on: 08/02/2023

iful bed. The bedspread was wonderful

s. The blinds, brown in color with flowery designs covered ev

ow is located because of the non-

dirt, no disarrangement of thin

ream, and body spray all mixed together t

usually like music but I like peeping into celebrities' lives especially fore

his head for the first time. There's no single hair on his head, carefully shaved

d at the hairstyle but I can't even take

something" I started

ought out a PS from hi

our name?


ing" he said and sat beside me on his bed. He reads my

that, my name

ny!" He prai

ed him log into his computer

how to play g

nd I don't know anything about PS or how to play games

play this o

epted all my flaws and was patient in teaching me

ttle thing I do and I couldn't help myself

some of the games, but he cajoled me to keep trying and you need

t I was tired. I wanted to go out because I didn't

me about our hometown?" He sai

orget, do yo

ke you have anything to do now, let's make use of o

rmer position before joi

o know about the vi

rything if possib

, in

her question, I knew that had been the question on

ve him a

to tell me, I mean..." He sta

tually have boyfriends" I laugh

t as much

that's what you meant, but half

d something else b



onship I mean?" I inquired and I co

already" he said simply like it

but I couldn't, I felt really jealous that some gir

work hard to get a girl into your web, you can as well c

literally stupid" he shrugged

ferring to every female

en't come across any girl that

conversation is going to e

rd the last one, I was

alms playfully and he tried to remove my hands from my ears

ed up scattering his bed. I found where the window was located when I used

hoved me to his bed. Everything happened fast, like a fast-forwarding movi

nocked air out of my lungs and I couldn't describe

in, that I should push him away, that it's not normal, that

till eternity. My whole world spinned

think, I forgot who he was, I forgot right and wr

loser. My legs went around his waist and pushed him so close

er abdomen. If he wasn't in jeans, I swear,

ed and savoured every part of my face an

t tried to get my zipper

ed my lips when his fingers caressed my

wn to his waist, and started wo

off me like I just pressed the right bu

azement, as we fought to keep

of my cloth and closed my zipper with shaky fingers, I stood up slowly from

eally sorry. I didn't know what came over me, I

mean...what was I thinking, I should have stopped us from..

ms in my uncle's house, so I was given a separate room. It was when I

ng mirror, I couldn't see my face but I

What actually happened right there? I don't tr


pt and craved for

ace him tomorrow?" I

ther shower but I dismissed the thought because I didn't

supple and swollen from his kiss. I threw myself on

t mo

my aunt's voice when she called to

's almost twelve past eight. I had brushed my teeth and washed my face before com

ted her and looked around to

your night, Jenn

you should have woken

low you to rest, I woke you up so you would take your bath and the

now, am awake, so I have to help you out here" I said a

if you take a good rest, yo

nd she kind of likes petting people. My first impres

om?" His voice e

ipped off my hand, it was sheer luck tha

ouring the tea instead. I have to make sure I don't

ing son?" My Au

some, a

ad at

our night,

he referr

s, why can't he just go if h

d last night, but why does it matter so much to me? It does

"It wasn't bad, kinda refreshing and yours?" I

you with that" He chooses his Engl

o pour tea himself, but I

ther male presence in this kitchen, it's

elp you out in the kitchen, it takes an intelligent

le her!" he said as he carefully took ou

g in for a guy in this kitchen o, do

his fingers brushed against mine when h

moved quickly away from him, what's w

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