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I Am The Boss

I Am The Boss



Word Count: 1135    |    Released on: 27/01/2023

t is how they start a nice fa

ove story when I was a child. From his story, it was cle

e shop, the weather was beautiful and bright, two

ryone, including from rich families and politicians, everyone

, the dreaded Mafia boss met

a purse lying on the counter and realized it belonged to mum. He tried to go after mum when dad stopped him from doing so. Dad paid for the coffee he had and le

the purse as he couldn't recall where he placed it. Finally, he found her purse and searched through it and saw her contact card and quickly dialed the number. No response the first call, he redialed it and finally someone picked up. Dad could barely speak as he became dumbstruck as the voice on the phone melted h

jacket she wore. Dad was totally smitten by mum's beauty. He could barely take his eyes off from her. They introduced themselves and dad handed over the purse to mum . Mum was grateful to him and re

um. He decided to become friends with her and then they started dating after he professed his love for her and it turned ou

nto labour for my younger brother. Unfortunate, both mum and my brother died, leaving my dad heart broken and shattered. Dad wasn't allowed

ow to use knives and guns. When dad found out, he was mad at me but finally gave in and let me train as he was happy to see me make myself a strong being. I had chosen a

ng my status and the place I'm coming from. College was fun as I exercised much power after being declared the Mafia queen, I feared no one. No one cares double crosses me. I moved with my own members of the gang, comprisi

ever dated, no first love , no crushes, no kisses, I only kissed my dad's cheeks as a sign of love and my gun whenever I want to go on a serious missi

ats or wear leather outfits, almost always on blac

n to me, I have not taken a break, neither have I deviated from m

benefit hugely from it. We run the largest and best casino, night clubs and club house in Venice, Milan, Naples, Modena and Prato and we make lots

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1 Chapter 1 SERENA RICCARDO2 Chapter 2 THE MEETING3 Chapter 3 MY MONEY4 Chapter 4 HER OTHER SIDE5 Chapter 5 NO DOUBLE CROSSING ALLOWED6 Chapter 6 THE PUNISHMENT7 Chapter 7 SECOND MEETING8 Chapter 8 I WANT HIM9 Chapter 9 THE VISIT10 Chapter 10 THE PROPOSAL11 Chapter 11 SAY YES12 Chapter 12 BONDING13 Chapter 13 She loves me14 Chapter 14 FORCEFUL ENGAGEMENT15 Chapter 15 ROSA16 Chapter 16 WELCOME BACK THERESA17 Chapter 17 A SIDE I NEVER SAW18 Chapter 18 Happy Married life to me19 Chapter 19 FIRST NIGHT20 Chapter 20 HONEYMOON21 Chapter 21 MESSED UP HONEYMOON22 Chapter 22 AVENGING LIA'S DEATH23 Chapter 23 ANOTHER BUSY DAY24 Chapter 24 My birthday25 Chapter 25 Ruined26 Chapter 26 WHAT A NEWS27 Chapter 27 Wife duties28 Chapter 28 HUMILIATED29 Chapter 29 LITTLE PAY BACK30 Chapter 30 SAVING HIS ASS31 Chapter 31 MUM'S MEMORIAL SERVICE32 Chapter 32 STRANGE CLAUDIA33 Chapter 33 CLAUDIA'S SECRET34 Chapter 34 DEALING WITH JULIO35 Chapter 35 FRIENDSHIP FORMED36 Chapter 36 DEALING WITH JULIO 237 Chapter 37 I LOST38 Chapter 38 THE RETURN OF THE WICKED39 Chapter 39 PLAYING CARDS40 Chapter 40 BE FREE41 Chapter 41 Girl for Andrea42 Chapter 42 Loosing my mind43 Chapter 43 What he likes44 Chapter 44 Game on45 Chapter 45 Game on 246 Chapter 46 Mixed feelings 47 Chapter 47 Broken bonds 48 Chapter 48 Shocking revelation 49 Chapter 49 Shattered Relationship 50 Chapter 50 Bouncing back 51 Chapter 51 No mercy 52 Chapter 52 A pleasant surprise 53 Chapter 53 Mafias deserve a little love54 Chapter 54 Acting smart55 Chapter 55 Playing safe 56 Chapter 56 What's going on 57 Chapter 57 Rocco's attack 58 Chapter 58 Saving Claudia from Rocco 59 Chapter 59 Hoping for the best 60 Chapter 60 Slow, steady, faster Matteo 61 Chapter 61 Serena on my mind and in my bed62 Chapter 62 All Serena 63 Chapter 63 So, this is love64 Chapter 64 Till the end of time 65 Chapter 65 Happily ever after 66 Chapter 66 Beginner's package friendship 67 Chapter 67 A little of this and that 68 Chapter 68 Perfect bonding 69 Chapter 69 I AM THE BOSS FINALE