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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2196    |    Released on: 24/01/2023

a Se

ul. I mean I always knew that there were some handsome guys

had shrunk to a dim speck, at the guy that had

o have stolen everyone else's breath away, both girls and boys alike because for the first time in like never, the entire class was silent. The jocks weren't hooting about everything an

t an alarming rate. The mysterious tall first off, he was standing at over six feet if I was correct. And he wasn't the

yet sexy eyes that could make your knees go weak with just one sweep, and

ught as I silently admired

luscious exterior and the graceful dip of his Cupid's bow, how pink they were, like the under of a newborn's

nd normally high-pitched voice pulle

life of you stand the irritating nature of the voice? That was exactly what Mrs. McCarthy's voice sounded like; a

e, it just sounded that way. She turned to the guy and said, "Introduce yourself to

ed silent, not exactly seeming ner

McCarthy ur

to go on did he finall

rough his dyed brown hair, "my name's Kadjiri. Kadji

e to be not so great. Maybe his one physical flaw, but it wasn't. It wasn't horrible like I'

m one person to another. "My parents are interracial, so I previously lived in Nigeria with my

ertainty in his tone made him

p as soon as he was done, surprisingly prono

ts." She gestured around the class

e one thing. His gaze had never met mine while he was talking. He looked at every other person in the class but me. I wa

vering my face, and to top that off, I had my glasses on. That

e members of the homeroom before she began

the impossibly handsome and hot new guy. This wasn't like me. I would never. Elena would never. I mean, I wanted my dream guy alright and in th

, the alerting peals of the bell signaling th

wn his textbook on my desk even before I had a chance to pack up my

almost as if he wanted every

ng at his arm that was propped up by his hand on m

peek at him as he walked out the door, his bookbag slung over one s

height and crossed his arms as I shoved my books into my bag and hur

stare too," I crossed my ar

nto a mild frown. "I'm not gay,

much seized any opportunity to rub it in.

seconds he walked in." I f

ws hesitated.

u lost. Sucks to be you!" And

" He called, c

Matt!" I yelled, ru

was, and he did it every time, so by the time I got to the class on the third floor, I wasn't

lena," he said, in a

he rows of already occupied joined desks, heading for m

my desk was KJ. Freaking KJ. Beside him was my seat. He was sitting on the s

" Mr. Bandman said, his voice strained.

hought, as I gingerly walked up to the seat besi

tated your nose and made you either very uncomfortable or gave you a sneezing reaction, not cologne, but

pened to walk in and spot us. And he leaned back into his chair most of th

way, began. I wasn't planning on saying a word either. I wasn't that type of girl. The Anabel type. I could have a huge, m

e been any hom

he back of my hand where it'd been resting at once

ust spok

ying, was dwindling to my senses I couldn't comprehend any othe

ing his last statement. "

a little too loudly. Fortunately, I

aying something about wanting to assign us projects. You could ask him about any other thing

I was going to make a fool out of myself in front of KJ. Quickly, I put the brakes on my t

as I stopped talking.

." I waved and pushed

couldn't stand the intensity of it, his gaze, so I looked away most of the time he talke

our desk?"

ah," I

ch. Sorry if I i

f. "I'm sitting right where I should be. I used to have a partner before, but

on our joined desk. Then, with a side look at me, his ri

real. That KJ wasn't talking and flirting with me, and it was all just a lucid d

en. "Would you be so kind as to let us in on a little bit of

him. His voice was loud enou

been discussing since the class began

e blood draining from m

I bl

th that and a frown, Mr. Bandm

ond time today, my face was flushed, beet red, the bl

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