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Moments With Her


Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 11/01/2023



ut you!!Andrew has rep

Why i

id he saw Andrew dragging you into a room,also



school in a


put her hair in a messy bun and rushed to school for her test. She wasn't

r lodge. He came to see someone and later offered to take her to s

s gloomy with a moody countenance and he was aware of the news making rounds in

yone kept staring at her an

the Jul

she do w

he even

oks goo

bodyguard or

tting there her lecturer was already in class briefing them about the test.

her sister is doing history major along with glynn. But she has computer knowledge and is also a rookie singer. She also

hing is going w

led to

ame up to her and aske

Andrew,have you

k I have something to

then she butted in a

rassed and can't face me,thus hiding s

come because he doesn't want



dy and angry, not satisfied with any report and he's just shouting and giving lousy orders.

him. After a while he calmed down and everything became back to norm

ame in a


said a

aped a lot of girls and

king progress,bea

s b

ot upset. But he was happ

o jail.He called in Ruby to get him a cup of cap


't believe D

ugh he tried to rape her. She thought he must have done some

branch at Gary's shop and they talked for a while. She also co

eel deepl


ot arrested and everyone

ust feel alright. Everyt

lso had a change of clothes. She wore a yellow bright dress and let her

ot wind of his tantrum in the morning. She sat down and got settled. She


to burst

happened today? All these thoughts kept flying through her head rent free. She mustered up cou



er and share ideas with the development team to facili

I'm glad to be

the next two weeks,which

he kept looking into her eyes the entire time he was tal

looking at her, boring deep into her haze

called him twice before

im away, utt

ed and went

is over,you


an back to her office. Dane just smiled to himself,his self

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