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College Bad Boys

Chapter 6 Anonymous guy

Word Count: 1830    |    Released on: 09/01/2023

EAR 12

funny; I must say." Ar

down. I'll crush your balls!' Bluey's words kept repe

kay?" Chris ask

rds. Imagine Bluey said she'll crush your

yed carrying her despite all the kicking a

id you guys look cute

triplets??" Chris ask

just want to get into her pants. That

you dude." He said an

You're even the wo

alking about." Archie said and looke

in first, then the

t coming in.

t." Chris said; noticing t

ie asked Wisdom, who faced

, I mean your twin brother??" Wi

" Blak

about. I said your twin brother, Nathaniel!" Wisdom said aga

his head and

to Nathaniel, who was talki

ther real quick." Wisdom said

y look so much alike, so everyone call them

lake is the total opposite si

y were you asking abou

uble for him and Chris. You know he's the only one who can talk to the

't do anything to us, do

thing, more than what you deserve." They heard a voice behind them and turn

re and now??" Bluey said to Chris who he

strangle me yet you aren't doing any

touch me?? Do you know the news is now on the school blog?? And guess wh

YALS HIGH'. And if you think I'm lying, then go to t

s phone and quickly w

ctures truly and the

lans we have to teach you a lesson??... Well then, Bluey tell

aid one after the other; as

o you expect us to delete it?? It's even anonymous, so we don't k

s. We'll wait for two hours, if you didn't get it deleted, then we'll carry out our plans without

them so they won't get expelled from the school. How rude!" Blake said

t show appreciation right?? Je

e if we get expelled as long as we succeeded in putting those stupid b*tches in the place they b

completed and The Royals al

s are real

ctures deleted withi

r all the person that uploaded didn't use even 2 minutes to

our wrath. I'm sure you don't wanna experience what a girl's anger cou

d than I thought." Wisdom said

trouble, you know how they could be some

whoever posted the picture to delete it if he/she doesn't want

help." Nathaniel said; loo

d and Blake nodded while Wisdom onl

and wrote the message with an hasht

log and immediately got f

says??" Chris asked; pe

anonymous guy that said he's the one that posted it. He said he'

ick. Thirty minutes is about fi

anonymous guy?

f us here??" Blake as

your business as your wife said." Chris sa

Blake asked and

ut her." Chris replie

you think she's my girlfriend?? She'

n't do child abuse. People might think I kidnapped you for child abuse. I don't

ake shouted, making

Keep it up and make sure you don't mess with us again." Bluey

re really mean

ng stubborn and wicked. Those she-d

y accommodating and funny if you get closer to them.

sual. What do we expect??" Blake

say 'twinnie' or 'bruv' understand??" Wisdom said and

but I guess it turned out for the worse


pening, then he saw the same post again with same hashtag 'Bes

ctually deleted the post and reposted i

s and Nathaniel said at the same

irls will think we know a

nonymous guy??!" Chris

s won't spare any of

th you. We'll find out the anonymous guy ourselves and put an end to it. You don't ha

nd who the anonymous

things about all system tactics, so it's easy to fish o

e system there." Mabel said and the girls started hea

??" Blake asked an

one condition

at's that??"

ake. I don't want him in anywhere close t

g, not this stubborn attitude." Nath

ough, please let me come with you."

e, let him come along." One of

" Jewel said and they all headed out of the

' which we all accepted, and now 'Love'?? Hope it's not that they're giving name

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