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The Pack's Girl

Chapter 8 Exposed

Word Count: 661    |    Released on: 04/01/2023

otly as I realized they knew I’d been binding

hiding my figure from

, Vanquish climbed to hi

overed my face.

f what we’ll be doing to

at torture did they

what's going on with

about the cloak or that I always kept the hood down ove

ke me not mee

hooked my hood with his toes. Pushing it back t

off her!" Racer


plucked it off my hea

tail which I rolled around my crown. Now it fli

catch the cloth tying my hai

tucking against my breasts as his hi


umbling more to Hunter then to me. "All this

" Hunter

ther shoulder and tipped

ld that th

bending it back. It was stiff enough and laced so loosely

losing my eyes as tight as I could.

hed cleavage and carefully twisted it up. Leaning

y white breasts bursting free and the nippled pe

self from the three pair of eyes watching intently. But Race

r now." Hu

ew inches to suck my nipple into his mouth. Lat

back arcing as though h


bucked trying

forearms so he could take the other on

ded to stand between my thig

working my flesh. Vanquish cupped my breast on bo

g in pleasure at the f

ttle kisses aroun

uising. Making the small nub o

pening. Stroking my slit while he moaned. Pressing again

s hap

lly bathing in the creek. Now they were

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