My Famous Ex Husband
adn't returned. Three months was all it took for Liz to understand that her fath
down. But, it wasn't my decision. It was our weariness. It was the extremity of years with a dripping glass. One hour, no more. And when I saw th
here was every reason for me to freak out another 99. I wasn't actually the accused 99 times, but... There were many, declared. The
e-year-old girl. Divorce is like mourning someone who has passed away. Really, literally, it's a de
ch other, I never thought I would get where I am. Me, a simple woman. Just a micro-entr
's grass is always the greenest. It was another mild day with few but loyal customers. The pen in the corner of my mouth, with the tip already ruined, was a sign of a bad habit I had when I was studying. Alex was waiting tables, and I was concentrating on
ther people, whom I would only find out later, who were workmates. He ordered and from
his career. At the height of the media. At the peak of popularity. I remember Priyanka walking into the bistro one day, he and I just chatting while he waited for his order,
er the end of the engagement. My heart ached, because this was no ordinary guy. And I was an ordinary woman who couldn't handle any of that. Nicholas Cassano w
ll night long structuring recipes and menus. I needed a few more stars. Alex, my right hand man there, gave me all the support. On the day that the gastronomy critics came to evaluate the menu,
the restaurant, allowing me to breathe, but I was satisfied with my work. Nicholas and I talked. He w
olumns. And Nicholas was supportive after that by recommending the place in short interviews. It was enough for vicious speculations
e lived with him and my mother. With his passing, I closed the restaurant in its heyday. I was at the height of gastronomy, at the height of my career, at the height of achievement. And suddenly I found myself on the tightr
gh for me. Scheduled tours, awards, campaigns... I told him to leave calmly, after all, I was also restructuring myself. I should
staurant. They got to know me. They
e of Cassano's stardom, should already be enough foreshadowing for us to stop. But, I was completely and madly in love with him. And he said he
th day of that semester, the photos were boxed. No picture frames. Liz was smiling as if she were used to this
ted my ex-mother-in-law who was
you, Ka
taking Liz
d, an
sure you don't wa
t family events are
ed to be more f
y, not Liz's. Send my r
aughter. I kissed her and hugged her. The tw
d reservations at reception. The few customers in the cafe part were smiling happily as they were served. I loved going into my bistro at thos
ttentive greetings to customers and employees. I left my purse in my small office, and I was already putting on m
everything? ā I asked going f
is morning and I asked the supplier to try to keep to
!" Later I will re
eeves of my uniform when Alex a
s magnificently dirty, I need to war
did they r
kitchen and Alex's bored face made me
franchise. I had already said that there was no interest in outsourcing a portion of my services. That
ame in the past. All because I didn't put enough effort into transforming the bistro into something for the high elite
s. Unfortunately, for most franchises, the bistro had potential for having my name linked to Nich
hands in front of everyone who was listening, and I clapped them together as if to wipe them. Laughter and expressions of obviousness and relief were pre