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Horizon High

Chapter 6 Reconciliation

Word Count: 1442    |    Released on: 28/02/2023

heart was in pains and it was thudding

what do I need to do? Probably I should

on him but he cut it off, what m

im, I just want to fix whatsoe

him telling him s


t I choose to ignore it. And of course she should

I think she is Tasia’s roommate

and people began taking their th

t owner to find out it’s my sister

e keep glaring at me

e asked still glar

be her guardian?”

you? Why are you back here

about to walk out bef

rate her Jay and if I find out you made her cry Jay, you won’t like

her to stop opening her mouth for everyone. She needs to be decent, she probab

up with is still here. I walked towards he

lo p

e” she repl

brought out my han

lied and place her

ful girl” I commented and sh

your tent?” I asked

ow I won’t laugh and she keep laughin

Tasia’s slippers, don’t ask me how I knew

e and she laughed so heart

in now” I told

” she told me hugging me, I sm

don’t like girls like that, l

I don’t even know how it happened, I prefer when she was nerd than now, she attracts too much guys.

he looked desperate, like she had s

looked at her from head to toe, she was we

and I turned wan

eard but I con

changed, she sound l

closer to me and held my hands, I felt

bout talking befo

d she looked down her body, she quickly cover h

relief. I can’t believe my heart


a guy and a girl, the guy’s voice seem so much l

and waved at me, she seems like the type

iling and murmuring words to her

Jay?” She asked curio

nitely Jay, I ran out trying to catch up wi


ked out if my hair is still neatl

pped within a seconds, what if he left alre

for me, I opened the tent and my eyes met with

my throat making

red but I heard him. I bowed m

in silence unti

sked staring at me astonished. I still

ve then” he stated

called out a

stammered an

w me closer and we went to a wooden chair,

ill leave now” his tone was now very

cried holding his hand, I alw

orry?” He asked and I

I couldn’t complete my sentence as he place his lips on mine, my hands act on reflex and

gress, so

d after realizing I have shamele

e that much why did you kiss that gu

I kissed you?” He asked an

the kiss” I quickly told him holding his

t anybody kiss or touch you

went to my waist drawing me closer and he let it tongue into my mouth, he slowly tease my tongue and my t

neck, he suck on a particular spot on my neck which made me moan so loudly, I couldn’t co

kinda offended, he chuckled a

ose playfull

whole universe shutdown as I he

him huggin


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