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Word Count: 2303    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

y morning, and the little maid opened her eyes to see Belinda's white head peepin

Belinda with a plaintive mew made one last effort, pulle

tame crow did not follow, for in spite of their

from a shadowy corner of the

ith a flap and a flutter, Becky swooped from the top of the bookcase,

ped panes in its leaded doors, and behind the doors were books-not many of them, but very choice ones, culled

famous people, to say nothing of fairy-tales and legends, so that in the companionship

shone on the green cover of a much-thumbed book of French fairy-tales, and then slant

, she came, a half-hour later, into the sunlit kitchen, where the little grandmo

id the little grandmother, as she kissed

other of them. "But they didn't make up for you and Becky and Belinda and the little gray house," and she hugged the little grandmothe

hen she finished breakfast, and had given Belinda a sa

asked Mrs. Batcheller, as Anne tied on her hat and went

wfully nice. I have asked Launcelot and Judy to co

out the tiny lunch-basket and handed it to her, "and Nannie and Amelia are to be the haug

he little grandmother; "his father is preparing him for c

ey did this, he can go, 'specially if his mother keeps her b

sighed. "Judy is going to lend me a dress

id the old lady, as Anne, escorted

s-" and with a rapturous sigh in memory of her three happy days, and w

. He had been lectured by his father, and cried over by his moth

ring interest to twenty-five children in a district school. From the babies of the A, B, C, class

them as on Saturday he had boasted

e up, but when he caught her reproachful eye on him, he back

mmy been a sailor, and had he not had experiences which would set him apart from the commonplace boys of Fairfax? And the boys, a litt

nattentive, until finally Miss Mary

n the board, and I want you to copy them five times, while I take the little folks out into t

ary should have seen it and not have punished the innocent with the guilty. But Anne was a cheery little so

the door long enough

she said, "not to talk. And any o

he we

Six weeks out of school had made sitting still almost impossible. He wig

irit, they, with Tommy as leader, went through various pantomimic performances. They hitched up their trousers in seamanlike fashion, t

on't," she said, in an agony of fear lest M

e girls giggled and the boys capered, and

eople trooping in a rosy row behind her, twenty-fiv

while I was out?"

to do it, but she had spoken, and to try to explain

peak?" asked M

up, her f

-" she f

irls and boys dropped their eyes for ve

ther have died than have blamed Tommy, and Na

it on the platform the rest of the morning, and I can't let you take par

justice. But then she had a headache, and c

and burning. But she did not cry. And Tommy, bowed to the ground by his sense

, coming in just before twelve

y outside of the schoo

tter with Anne

school," said T

t belie

he did,

fault w

I sup

e Batcheller never broke a rule in her life

oups of twos and threes-the girls discussing Anne's martyrd

was sitting there with her head up. Her face was white now, the little lun

ked in throug

le soul,"

Tommy b

y fault, Launcel



hed-oh, you miserable-little-little-cur," said

ld I do?" whi

l Miss Mary,"


d tell Mi


did not wish t

straighten things out, "and that is all there is to it. Don't t

interview, the big boy set his lips in a fir

ight to town

o his tale of woe, "what a mean old thing sh

the children are restless, and she isn't very strong, an

aid Judy, and her voice


ave listened to Tommy


ught you might go and see Anne after school. It wou

get her," cried Judy, e

ldn't walk," said La

trap," said Judy. "Gra

ever I w

I must say," said Launcelot, as he rose to go. "


ing to let An

ella'?" Judy's


fiercely. "I'll get even with her, Launce

miled at he


th a shrug of


another word could he get

inable length, and Anne, with bursting

school clock, as the hands crep

school-room door opened, and on the threshold appeared a self-contained young

eart, with a bound, b

day before, and had been much impressed, and now when Judy

" she said. "Anne,

ary's head was better, and she was beginning to wonder if she sh

trap with the fawn cloth cushions, and twenty-four pairs of lungs breathed sighs of envy,

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