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Chapter 2 My Poor, Poor Breast

Word Count: 3175    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


t even though I did, she never cares and just continues to be her bubbly self. It's probably because of that promise we made

f course, there's a lot of people. Working for a royalty is like a dream come through." They all turned to me. "It's an honour to be

astle of Gavreau, my eyes wandered around me. I've never seen so many young women gathering around in one place. Some of them even look like they

interior. Will it be dark and depressed like the ones we used to live in? I chuckled. I doubt it. This is humans we're talki

many I killed in the process. It was then my eyes landed on a beauty, standing on the stage, shooting dagger in my direction.

" Armina whispered to my ears. When I turned to her direction she pointed at Eris. Reina was trying to control her by shoving her h

ce more. I was surprised when I saw the very same hunter standing in front of me, smirking. "Never

ate to admit it, I have no idea who she

ft alone. My friends and I didn't plan to be greeted by such human." The hunter chuckled. "I am the commander for this

job. We have to pay the rent and other stuff. "I don't mind working under you. As long as we get pay. But, can you plea

, I meant you." I looked down on to her cleavage and licked my lips. "Let me guess, you haven't mated as well?" She took a step forward. "You can

that ring will stop me f

tle pain. I used Reina's body to covered my doing. She whimpered in Reina's chest. "She's going to be a little weak. But sex will help. Hav

r head. "Since your potion only prevents you and Reina to have her or my kid, it's safe. For a mere human to carried a seed

ne rushing in. What are they after being so pushy all of the sudden? The guards were having some trouble controlling their guest for tod

o my body. I turned to my friends who probably felt the same thing. I looked up to the hunter who smirked.

?" Reina voiced out as she struggling to carry Eris. "A smart one. The King and Queen being cautious

t will be in


royal castle. "Not bad. For a human." I turned to where Armina was looking at and she's right. Not bad for a human. That

. But where's the king? "Ahhhh!" A woman screamed not far from us. When I turned, I saw a guy wearing a royal crown, harassing

t breast and squeezing them hard. "So firm... I want you..." he turned to Armina and the others. "OH YE

wow. "I'm sorry your highness. I am not fond of the man. I'm gay." I said with my stoic expression. Besides, you'll be shocked to see me off my clo

before pulled the king away from me. I did as told and followed her to another room in the castle. "I'm sorry for what

she would look away." Reina added. The hunter chuckled. "What does a monster know about love? You killed innocent

e will be as strong as steel." I ended my rant. The hunter chuckled lowly. "As far as I know, you probably killed someone's mate when you hunt for cr

e black dress and white pinafore with ruffles around the shoulders. "This is the cap." She handed me a white frilly cap. "There's no way I'll

eed help, my lady?" Armina voiced out her concern. I walked out of the screen wearing the ugliest uniform ever made in the history

ortable." Armina looks like she's having so much fun playing dress up. "Reina, Eris, your turn." Reina carried Eris to the screen and I sat down n

When Eris and Reina walked out, the hunter looked up and gave them a thumbs up. "Now that's a looker." At least she could be more reserved in h

rned that in a hard way. May her soul rest in peace." Somebody had died working here? "Moving on, rule number two, never, ever goes up the west wing of this castle.

he west wing. Maybe I sho

b to teach them. Your job takes care of their needs and protects when they went on to the city." So I have to take care of brats? How inconvenient.

y come here anytime. We have food, drinks, music. Just enough for us servant to catch a



w down." She said through gritted teeth. Now I have to bow for a child?! Armina pushed my head down and we all bow. "I'm

n. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. When I stood up straight again, this little girl stared at me for a couple of minutes before wen

us with these brats. As for the four of us, we have no idea what to do. We don't even have a proper training for this. "Can you introduce

tioned my chest but she shakes her head. "This." She pointed at my battle scar. "You can say it's a symbol," I said, keeping my stoic exp

focus on Armina. "Well, do you girls dance?" Armina looked at Eris and Reina. "Well, Reina know how to. Why is that my prince?" The boy stood up and of

offer a hand to the princess. "I'm good in dancing if you want to practice." The girl smiles as wide as ever and took my ha

ed by this sudden surprise. "Mother." The boy beamed. So .... this is the queen up close huh, two words, not bad. From the smell of he

hen she caught me staring at the queen. "Your Highness." Armina bows down and so does the other except for me. "We a

ptable." I waved it off. "Did Charlene showed you your quarters in the castle?" Charlene? She must be referring to the hunter. So her n

st on my face is wearing off at this moment! The prince stared at me with the same curiosity eyes. "Mother, can we go to

ed and showed Armina the book he was holding. "I'll keep your secret." The prince smiled and grabbed his mother's hand. "What was that all

horrible state. I always hate this side of mine. I traced the deep scar from my eyebrows across my eyes and it continued toward

deep forest and find some herbs." I caught Eris's body before she falls on the floor. "She's weakened huh

ks at us." I shrugged. "He said he can keep a secret right? He's the pri

he's not going to use

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