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He's My Heartbeat

He's My Heartbeat



Christian Russo is the new boy at school. On his first day, he already got a lot of admirers and one of them is Hailey. Christian always tries his best to get rid of her but she's blindly in love to even care. He treated her badly one day and her knight in shining armor came to rescue her. He hates him and he made her stop liking him but why when she agrees to move on, he's the one who can't seem to accept that she's hanging out with other guys. He hates her but she loves him. He begged for her to stop, and then he starts to regretting the second she moves on.

Chapter 1 1

I walked into the hallway of my school and found people were whispering. No, it's not about me but they're talking about someone transferring into our school.

"I swear I saw him, he will be the next IT boy!"

"Hope he's in the same class with us."

"Where is he?"

"He's in the teacher's office getting his schedule."

I turned to Lia, my one and only bestfriend, and she shook her head. We both are not interested in gossiping besides I don't think we will care about this new boy.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Hailey Song. My mother is American and my father is Half Korean and Half American. People only knew me as an ordinary girl who sometimes get into trouble but I'm actually Harrison North's one and only daughter. My family actually owns a couple big trading companies and chemical companies. I begged my family let me change my name to Hailey Song just for the sake of highschool and they let me. They completely understand and let me do my thing. The school knew about my real identity and Lia of course.

As the only child, my family loved to spoil me. They love to give me all the things I want in this world but my grandmother told me to not to be greedy.

"He's coming!" I turned my head around to see where the screaming came from.

"You already collect the homework?" Lia asked and I nodded as I turned my head back to her.

"Oh!" I heard girls squealing and some girls were sighing. I heard that the new guy went to the class next to us. Even though I said I don't care but I'm still curious. We walked into our class and the bell rang.

"Students!" My biology teacher came and I sat down on my usual seat.

"Mr. McCoy, why isn't the nee guy go to this class?" I turned to see one of my friends said it and I shook my head.

"He belongs next door, now.. let's start the class." He announced and we started to study. I was not paying attention because I'm not in the mood to study, I want thrill and school is not giving it to me these days. After a few classes, the bell rang for us to have a break.

Lia grabbed my hand dragging me to the cafeteria.

"I'm so hungry, you don't understand." Lia said and I chuckled. As we walked into the cafeteria, there's people whispering and I turned to see the new guy. He's around 6 foot 3, he has a muscular body that was meant for sports and his eyes are blue with his sandy colored hair. All eyes are on him and it was like a magnet to me.

"Hailey.. earth to Hailey." Lia poked my arm but I can't turn to her just yet.

"Hailey!" She pinched me and I turned to her glaring.

"Christian Russo.. he's hot." I heard someone said his name. I found myself smirking when I found out his name.

"Oh no! I know that look.." Lia said and she continue to drag me to buy food.

"Christian Russo." I repeated.

"Take the freaking food." Lia hissed and I chuckled nodding. I ordered some food but I kept stealing glances on Christian Russo. He's going towards the line with his new friends.

After grabbing my food and paying for it, I walked to our usual seat. I moved my seat to look at Christian who's currently picking his food.

"You're too obvious! I thought you won't care about the new guy." Lia said and I turned to her. She took a big of her burger and I leaned my body back to my seat.

"He's different, I knew it." I said and Lia chucklee.

"Yeah different, he looks like an asshole to me." She said and sipped on her coke.

"Something about him.."

"Developing a crush?" Lia asked as she grabbed her burger again.

"I don't know." I turned to look at Christian again. He's walking to an empty seat with his friends. Some girls walked up to him asking something and he brushed them off.

"He's popular and I'll bet my money that he's an asshole."

"You assume too early."

"I know, Hailey." She said without looking at me.

"You rarely have a crush on anyone." She added before I let out a sigh.

"I know."

"He's sitting with Gio, Mike and Fred." Yup, those are my friends but I barely notice them because I've been busy looking at him. Let alone noticing who is sitting with.

Gio was my childhood friend, we were close but everything changed as the time goes by. He's a basketball player and he's good. Mike and Fred are basketball players too and they're pretty popular but not like Gio. I'm assuming that Christian is interested in basketball since he's hanging out with them.

I was busy looking at Christian and completely ignoring my food. Suddenly he turned his attention to me and smirked. My eyes widen and I turned to Lia. She's busy with her food and I gulped nervously.

"Did.. did he just.." I said to myself.

"He what?"


"Don't even think about crushing on him, he's trouble. I can sense it.." Lia warned but too late.

"I do have a crush on him."

"Yeah, it will last a day. I bet you." She said.

"Lia.." I sighed and she turned to me. I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows.

"Are you for real?"



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