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Tail of Damian

Tail of Damian


Chapter 1 Wolves go missing

Word Count: 1148    |    Released on: 16/12/2022

first born, he was a good hunter and the tribe loved him. Ramirez was a good builder, he was innovative but the tribe feared him, t

llowed to enter the city where humans live unless they come with a permit. An agreement that was sealed between Amek and Mayor Walker many years ago. The mayor

e began to decrease in number's, Damian t

ale wolves have decreased greatly I'm numbers. Something awful is happening. Many wolv

wolves have escaped to live with the humans as there is a better chance of find

. They have great adoration for me. I am the son of

en though your father's was Amek. This entir

m, but we use my father's permit document. When our kind

n?" A voice said sudde

" Said Damian, giving

you think I would stay i

s become ill."

n smi

have you noticed the number of wolves

went to hunt on the forbid

. Your son here thinks that something horrib

if it is,

ck. We speak to the mayor abo

ll we te

abbits have all disappea

rd in my place. I have to go a

ith you." Sa

s a snow storm out there and it se

sappointed in me, seeing that I had turned weak. I am the last living son of Amek. Let me represent him well. It is important

d tears in

too. I don't know how I will be able to cope. Loosing your father was enough t

er mother a r

harmed, I swe

m was getting stronger, Dam

ow, Caspian realised that he was hun

back. I am starting to

n you hea

not, can

walked towards the direction of the

what we

once, it does taste amazing. But one is n

ed to have been taking a break from work. He was eating his s

h me." Sa

Damian walked slowly towards the back of the truck and broke the lock that was keeping it closed. It was an old truck. Breaking the lock was not hard for them as they were

d that off without gettin

earns that something odd is happening in

eer in the wild. All the animals have

the Noel Castle. Phillis rushed

both safe. Where did you

meat truck in our territory and ther

urted out

. I taught you be

laws about us not coming near them without a permit. We have laws too. No human is allowed to hunt or walk

llis ordered the wolves to stand in a straight cue wh

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