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War Of The Witches

Chapter 5 Answer To Our Problem

Word Count: 2530    |    Released on: 08/12/2022

to the door to try and get it open while Nelly watched over their friends. They were all brea

uck and why it refuses to open!" Samson

t want us to leave this place," Ne

at we were all just probably exposed to some sort of chem

r gas? This place is haunted and you k

" Sam replied. Nelly's behaviour

e can't call or text anyone for help and I saw a demon. This place IS haunted. We woke something up in this place, now it'

ut it didn't even have a scratch. He even hit the glass panels on the door but they didn't break which surprised him

his reflection on the glass but it wasn't his face, it was Jamie's. He squinted his eyes together and ru

red Samson because the image of J

g up...and so is Jennif

o Peace. He began shaking her a

eace." He said to her, Her eyes fl

ed to ask. She seemed very tired

here." Samson said soothingly to

tacked me." Sh

sion, it wasn't real." Samson said to her although a par

nnifer and also tried

last to wake up this time." Nelly tea

nifer asked

. Are you okay

t and she stepped on me.

dream." Nelly said to calm her although

nlike the girls, he woke up screamin

okay, you're fine." Samson said

the snake?" Darryl

e never was a snake." Samson had his hands out a

like my dad. It bit me and strangled me and then, it began t

ir feet by Nelly and Darryl finally g

, "I thought something bad had happ

Why did we see all those hor

d of ga..." Samson began to

awoke in this place," Nelly said and the

m crazy! I know what I'm talkin

t ghosts, seriously?" Peace said to him, clearly no

htmares, illusions, whatever you want to call i

t each other and no

see? Who or what did you

yl spoke out, "I saw my Dad, or

ie," Samso

," Jennifer s

said and stared at him. H

unlike me. I didn't see my mom or my Pops or any of you. I saw w

ically, clearly not believing him or at l

t had a tail but I'm not sure." He described the monster. Nelly then realized that

a torn shirt?" Peace asked with

as," Nelly

Samson asked, also look

you know that and why do you all look so scared?" N

ght behind you,"

ut the low growl of the beast made him quiet. The creature roare

ouse. The beast shrieked and snarled, gnashing its teeth and clawi

open it. Darryl and Samson were hitting the door with t

ature was strong and refused to let go. Darryl picked up an old broomstick on the floor and began hitting the creature multiple

hen Nelly summoned enough courage to pick up the old broom. He took out the matches from his po

The creature roared in anger and what seemed to look like fear. The flames

fear, baffled by what they just saw an

Jennifer asked, holdi

ng us. Do you still think it's al

ssible. That thing shouldn't b

it's out to get us

fiery broom to him. "The fire seems to be a weakness for the

he fire going," Samson mentioned and moved closer t

n more stuff in this place?"

amson asked, feeling that she mea

ire and now you want to burn more things." Peace replied, admitting t

t lighting that box on fire is the reason we're trapped here

be the reason?" P

ve to survive the night and the only way to do that is to

ter the fire grew larger, they all sat in a circle around it, holding on to each other for warmth

set with each other for playing the blame game earlier. They didn't know how long they would be here, or how long the

g to eat in your backpack? I'm

too." Pea

rownies in the ba

not wanting to have any drugs in his sys

just regular brownies

om the dark of the house and saw two red glowing eyes that disappeared as quickly as

ll watching us," Nelly told eve

ed of the fire so as long as it's lit, it can't get us." Da

r," Jennifer said while cupping her stomach

ving a good time and all you brought for food, is a few brownies?" Nelly said to Jen

e left them in the car and now we can't g

t of here and not to get more snacks." Peace said a

s and their heads and shoulders drooped. They could hear the sounds of crickets chirping,

e a very long night

ning, then we're surely going to be able to get

r?" Nelly asked after empt

nd we drank it all alread

nging scary Christmas storybooks was a better idea

ht, so could you stop hassling her about your la

y said with one

ive me that!" She said and snatched the book from Nelly's hand. She stared at

's on the cover?"

this book look like to you guys?" P

he picture of a monster on the cover, a monster that look

t attacked us!" Nelly

what I thought

same one that's after us, that means whatever is written in here isn't ju

book could give us a clue abo

night." Darryl and Jen

this book, Jennifer

I never read it. I only brought it al

for, Peace? Open it up and star

all the answers to their prob

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