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The Billionaire's Fake Wife

Chapter 2Ā The one she loves

Word Count: 1234 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 30/11/2022

It was almost impossible to believe that behind those owlish, dark-framed old-fashioned glasses and th

agged into a knot that was tight enough to give him a headache, there was no denying

revisit that kiss. Tracking her down hadn't been the easiest thing h

ge that saw him succeed where others failed. And he would succ

he night of the ball, but not before enti

all. He could feel

and the same woman. She fidgeted in her chair-a reminder that it was up

your file that you spent some time in th

efully. "I started in the factory, but the shifts made it difficult for me to be available for my brother

for your

rown eyes and she took he

l insurance policy my father had left us. Of course, that wasn't going to take care of us forever and Jason was still in

good to know his sources had been accura

lly hard on y

ave no

his Ms. Raphael was one to keep her cards close to her chest-and what a chest. Even th

ant to hide her attributes, she still

houghts back to the

e, on the financial floor,

a small smile. "They tend to mak

Michael, worked in human resources back in New York. To this day t

numbers. The defined parameters, yet with infinite possibilities were the types of challeng

ably fall outside the usual reports and things

nge," Belle count

" He reached across his desk and grabbed the file that lay in solitary splendor on t

d on the report. He leaned his hip against his desk and simply watched her as her lips pursed while she

res, because she closed the folder after abou

on't match up. The error margin i

ful under that frumpy disguise, but sharply intelligent, too. The

hink we're going to work very well together. Tell me, what

g this has been going on. Then perhaps a more specific check as to

s exactly what we hav

an ongoing i

ed up, with the excepti

sy for people to be tempted these days. Taking

ave the culprit lined up. He will be facing

anel? You won't

not has yet to be decided. Which

way?" She ask

most felt sorry for her. He knew that what he had to say

u monitor your

hat? Why?"

ce slowly drained away. If she hadn't already been seated, Wil

one you're i

in and caught her gaze with a rock-hard stare. "

rk. There's no way he's capable of doing something like this. Seriously

had nothing t

, of course not! Why would

have happened, and you know the sa

at has she

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