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Mated to the Enemy.

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1256    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

tting bothered with her demand? I clenched my hands into fists. I didn't like it. It shouldn't affect me. I should contemplate killing him, instead of his being of mate wi

lucking the vegetables for dinner. The basket was full of potatoes, tomatoes, peas, beets, cabbage, broccoli, mushroom, spinach, sweet potatoes, ca

mamma," I sa

nt with a smile. Her smile faded immediately, "What

fected." My lips flattened, as I glanced at the apple

father's decision has nothing to do with him." She s

rstand everything. I never heard from anyone that he condemned his

off guard. I glanced at her. It

gging yourself on unwanted thin

s not with me because of his father's greed." I said sharply

her's greed," She looked up at me

ry, momma." I

have killed his sister if he wanted to. But he came t

Don't tell me. You already

She picked up her

. This man was still a kid. He advanced his feet and grabbe

aid gleefully and turned to look at me, "You must be

hat she was a mere healer. I felt she could read

" Kim, sit. It's delicious." He pulled the chair next to him. His mother, Carina, and my mother were best friends. H

k and rubbed the back of his hand on my head. I wanted to yell, but my moth

t everything. Give me

nough food for u

full of various kinds of fruits and di

et full of fruits, vegetables, some herbs

are you going, momma?" Before I could get an

y mother's cheek and glanced at me with no expr

bri returned the frown, gesturi

basket, "Let me know if you n

be enough for our g

he guests? I needed confirmation. I elbowed Fabr

Alpha asked him to prepare dinner for our guests, " He

oy?" I asked. But something unexpected happened, and my ang

asked, walking toward the table.

But we have time. We recognized our mates between the age of twenty-one to twenty-five mostly, some take ages too. My mother

pped chewing, "Ain't you getti

our guests wait," momma said,

hurried on his he

omma," I told her. The delicious

ut it. He's a nice kid." Momma

us Alpha," I mutte

e lunatic like his father consider attacking his pack, " A wave of sadness washed over h

ting her," Fabri

now it's not his fault but we have looked at him like an enemy and now suddenly

laudia chuckled and bit on her strawberry pastry, "Wao! You're s

salad. It smelled delicious, "You're right. She's an amazing cook." I couldn't hold

the backyard of the house, away from the garden. Fabri made an actual scarecrow with ha

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