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Alpha Kayden's Revenge

Chapter 2 Meeting the Omega

Word Count: 2429    |    Released on: 28/11/2022


epended on it. Her big blue doe eyes are solemnly focused on me. She watches me quietly as she eats. She is beautiful. There is no denying that. She has the perfect white skin too. I kind of envy her sometimes, not that I'm not pretty myself, but just that I can't compare to her. Not only that, her movements are graceful too. She is like this porcelain doll that is very delicate and, like me, she also hasn't found her mate. Stacy is more like the opposite of me. While I am rough around the edges and may not be the kindest, being beta taught me to be tough and also be a fighter. Well, as for her, she can barely fight, even in her wolf form, but her beauty is exceptional. Maybe that's why we got along so well. Opposites often attract each other. "I was so hungry," I complain to Stacy as I completely eat everything, grabbing some more too. "Teaches you something for skipping breakfast," she giggles gracefully. I frown at her, giving her a questioning look." Oh please, you are my best friend. I can tell when you miss breakfast. You are quite a hungry bear if you ask me." She teases with a smirk plastered on her face. "I ain't a hungry bear." I defend myself. This only earns me a laugh from her. "I won't argue since that's what you tell yourself when going to sleep," she deadpans. Her comeback completely shut me up. Instead, I ignore it and continue to eat. It's funny how we are having cereals for lunch. I am not surprised though, Stacy is a lazy cook since she lives alone most of the time as her dad is rarely home. "Please hurry up; we need to get ready. Blackmist will be coming soon. I am so excited. I have a feeling I will meet my mate today!" She squeals, jumping around like a young girl, her sharp voice making me wince once more. Damn, this girl can scream. She grabs my hand and quickly leads me to her room, and from the outfits, I can see on her bed, I know she has been planning this for a while. She has the most expensive-looking dresses spread on her bed. It is no surprise as her dad happens to be rich. After losing his mate, Stacy's mum, during childbirth, he was kind of lost and decided to venture into some business forum that brought him a lot of money and still required a lot of his time. It was his way of coping with the loss of a mate. Even if it meant he would spend less of his time with Stacy, he still spoiled her with everything she needed. Stacy is a few months younger than me, and we are still tied to the hip. "I told Daddy to buy me the best of the best. I want my mate to be happy when he sees me today. I just have this strong feeling. Yeah, so dad bought the best as you can see, just choose whatever you want. If you want to shower first, you know where my bathroom is. " She says, as she begins to collect her makeup stuff. I head to her bathroom, getting into the comforting shower, and just like her room, her bathroom is pink too. I grab the shower gels available. I go with the coconuts option, which is what I usually use whenever I come here. I take a quick shower and use the restroom when I go back to her room I find that she is almost done with her makeup and is now styling her long black hair. I grab the blower and begin to dry my own naturally curly auburn hair. I had recently cut it till it was reaching my shower, but it seems it has outgrown that length and become thicker than before such that it is now reaching my back. My hair is fully dry and Stacy is done with styling hers. She decided to curl it and let it fall. She looks gorgeous. I am sure her mate will be happy when he sees her. "Come here." She ushers me towards her, and I do just that. she lets me sit on the previous chair she sat on. "Do you need me to apply some makeup on your face?" she casually asks. "Yeah, not too much, though I want a natural look," I instruct her, it's not like I am as excited as she is and I am not even trying to pretend to be. "Okey babes, let me work my magic," she says, and I trust her very much in this. She is the best makeup artist I know. I relax as she works on my face and, later, my hair. She doesn't take

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