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From the Bully's Enemy to the Bully's Lover

Chapter 6 The party!

Word Count: 2000    |    Released on: 24/12/2022

p sleepy head!'' she teased him. ''Lol chill. I'm the birthday king here I come last to take the center of attention well unless...some people will want

What's the matter?!'' exclaimed Diego. ''B*tch? NO! I asked you a question and then you were like...'' he interrupted her. ''Uhh...yeah I think...I did! Why didn't you invite him

'' ''Oh okay then see you at the party,'' said Paula. Diego knew she was now angr

w do I look?'' she kept saying to herself. After finally making up her mind moving up and down the room she finally got her hot pink lipstick and put it on. Wow was t

st kidding you look absolutely amazing dear,'' complimented her mom. ''Thanks mom. But are you sure?'' Juanita doubted them. ''Did you not look in the mirror? We are dead serious!'' exclaimed her mom. ''Mom I think we better get going,'' said Isa. ''Isa you are right dear! Alright guys go and enjoy yourselves!'' exclaimed mom. ''Good luck on your conference!

mall. I guess they had to go shopping

at him but just wow she was cool with him. Francisco walked in with the cake with his cousin behind him. ''Well hello cousin!'' exclaimed Cedro. He

bro let's just give her a few more minutes besides Isa is not yet here too,'' said Francisco. Diego just rolled his eyes. ''And who is this girl you a

h heels. Juanita approached Diego. ''I believe this is yours!'' she handed him his presents. ''Happy Birthday Diego!'' she wished him. Seems Diego wasn't listening. He was staring at her like he had seen a ghost! Her hair was surprisingly long, smooth and free. It was probably his first time seeing her hair open. Her dress was surprisingly short quite different f

ve!'' he said. Diego rolled his eyes. ''You never cease to surprise me Cedro,'' said Diego as he came behind him. ''Oh cousin there you are! Oh this beautiful girl? You want her?'' asked Cedro. ''Not even! Don't all girls look beautiful in make up?'' asked Diego. ''Even on

im off. Cedro let out a little laugh. ''Look Diego. No need to be jealous. If I'm more better than you or if girls find me hotter it's not my fault! I'm just built

n see is your lips,'' said Diego. She gave him some type of look. ''Well then switch on your phone or something for light,'' she told him. ''Why? Are you scared?'' he asked her. ''Well no but we are in total darkness. And you creepy me out when you say...'' before she could

hat then? Or did she even see them? ''Yeah baby it's us where is your partner?'' asked Diego. ''Argh I don't even know I lost him! Oh wow so surprised that you two are still together? Thought you would be lost already!'' exclaimed Paula. Diego laughed. Now that was a surprise! Even to Juanita. The one moment he decides not to c

ing so confused. He laughed. ''Oh I don't know,'' said Diego, ''maybe because you have a little thing for me...'' She rolled her eyes. ''Let's just go! Running rocks ahead your party is crazy!'' exclaimed Juanita. ''Come on you know you like it but I didn't entirely plan it myself,'' said Diego. She rolled her eyes. ''Whatever let's ju

a in admiration. ''Hell yeah! Are you ready?'' he asked her. ''For?'' asked Juanita before he could answer a small boat came by a

r faces!'' Renata burst out laughing. ''Sorry kids but technically we won!'' exclaimed Cedro. ''Well I guess....congratulations then!'' said Juanita. ''Aww Juanita thanks. But if you real

place,'' Renata suggested. ''No homie I see what you are doing there I see,'' Cedro laughed, ''but I want to for sure win!'' he added. He winked at Juanita. What was this guy up to? ''Hey Juanita I have a surprise for you,'' said Cedro. ''A surprise for me? Bu

ing her?'' asked Diego. ''And why do you care? You hate Juanita!'' exclaimed Renata. ''Yeah b

''Juanita! Juanita are you okay? Juanita!'' Di

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