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Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 24/11/2022


se of my curiosity I went closer to those students, which I regretted immediately. I cannot move from where I am. It seems like my feet are attached to the floor. I cannot belie

without a sound because of the t

d towards my direction, and his eyes started to widen while I was trying

in. " Jeremy plead whi

ile trying to avoid his hands. I tried to be brave, b

orry, " Jeremy s

you fooling me? " I shouted all those questions to him. I did not care

as exciting but as the time went by you just bec

gathered all my strength. Everyone gaspe

so we could end it. But you chose to make m

we can work it out, so I sta

lse already. "I firmly corrected him, and then I tur

ou who did not want to level up our relatio

ife because you are not worth it. "I said bitterl

. "I smiled bitterly while

I went to the comfort room and let the pain I was currently feeling burst out. I thought that Jeremy would be the last man I would love aft



go home. It was a whole day that I did not see my usual self and stared blankly ou

! Hey,

r because of what she did. I did not know what was more painful, to be fli

ndow. One more thing, why did you not told me what happened? I just

o change our topic and started wal

acle that she was not talking. When we were outside

ere? " I asked

hop in the tricycle. " she

I complained, which is halfway true. The other half was

y at our home. Fix yourself there. No one is there

to the tricycle, and after a few minutes, we already reached Monica's house. When we entered

ow first the whole story. " Monica instructed, which mad

op my tears from falling. There is really something at this house that

el like there will be flood of tears here. "

ause I really invest in Jeremy. I planned everything about our future, and I was almost ready to level


t the one who was crying was Monica. I went downstairs and prepared to comfort Monica when I noticed that it was not Monica who was crying. I closed my eyes, tryin

thing stopping me from coming to her, so I tur

per while I am walking ba

pt after crying. I put the glass of water on the table and went upstairs to get a blanket. After I got the blanket, I went back to Venice and covered her with my own blanket. I tr

seemed like an angel sleeping. What happened to


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