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The Belle Behind The Mask

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 21/11/2022


like a prince charming from a romance novel but he definitely didn't treat people like one. That Sophia girl must have gon

and still has a track record of keeping numerous girlfriends, none

e has good is the company which by the way is the number one beauty company in the industry. If only co

ring and it was th

oo carried away all day with

to be mad at you" My

he entire world that communi

re back as I p

e back. I wanted to know if you will be ready in

to realize why he meant

mber that we were supposed to meet his parents today at seven an

y forehead after checking

on your way home

could s

ick feeling settl

got, did

gave the an

re, Ana. I'm done with

re you breaking up wit

relationship any longer. When you decide to prioritize me, I'll be

could bl

't be the same for both parties. One does it more, the other less. The other that cares more starts to get resentful

ly, you end u

ad promised it would change as soon as I got the opportunity to prove how I can add value to the company. The only painstaking truth is I have no idea when that will be and without knowi

h licensing and all other paperwork. With that start-up, the road is as good as tarred for a start

ng me. I was on the brink of an emotional breakdown and this br

e taking advantage of the situation. It is not just tonight, Ana, it takes you days to text back, you always take a rai

dea he'd bottled all of this up, but what was I supposed to do? Be t

, goals, and

ay. Even though he'd offered to help a bit by clearing a few loans, I am not one to o

I had a plan and I wanted to sti

" Tears prickled out of

e ready to choose"

selfish thing

will to become a certified workaholic without

of allowing a relationship to dictate my life. If losing him will give me the time an

self from the tears that somehow manage

st and probably las

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