Hillsboro People
ews could scarcely have said truthfully that they enjoyed the occasion. As one of them did say to the other, the whole show was rather out of their line.
nts with a great sob of relief: "Stephen! Eli! Come back to the house," she cried, and before they could stop her was hobbling away. They hurried after her, divided between the fear of losing their train and the ho
and wounded little animal. "What's the matter, Aunt Amel
go now. You've got to make
blankness wa
ittle thing, like a creature distraught.
ve a good square look at it. The man i
to make all this hurrah about, I'm with you. It don't
denseness. "Who did it look
le Grid, of co
e cried; "who
gently: "Why, I don't know, I'm sure, who else. Like Grandfather Gri
put it out of their power t
he other went back to rescue their deserted baggage. As the door closed behind him the old woman
er great-nephew wonderingly.
was sitting for it, though he'd already put in his will that he wanted the college to have it, and when he
n't just right, but the color is fine... just that jet-black his were ... and the a
aged eyes upon him. "Col
rd, he
ur later, the other brother returned, neither of them heard him enter the house. It was only w
... you'll fix it?" the
e drew his brother out of doors. He looked quite pale
knew, Eli. It seems that ... say, did you ever hear tha
n from her never bringing us on to visit here until after he died. She used to look queer, too, when folks congratulated her on
now why Uncle Grid lived so poor and scrimped and yet left no money? He'd been taking care of a whole family grandfather had beside ours; and paying back some people grandfather did out of a
ewing in a new light the life that had just close
sed his hand over his eyes with a gesture of mental confusion. "Ain't it strange what can go
ides, too ... but his mother's conscience! I guess, from what Aunt Amelia says, that the combination made life about as near Tophet for him ...! She's the only one to know anything about it, because she's lived with him always, you know, took him when grandmother died and he was a child. She says when he was younger he was like a man fighting a wild beast ... he didn't dare let up or rest. Some days he wouldn't stop working at his desk all day long, not even to eat, and then he'd grab up a piece of bread and go off
My! I'd have said that there never was anybody more different from grandfather
ugh Uncle Grid inherited his father's physical make-up complete, and spent all his life fighting it ... and won out! And here's this picture making him look the way he would if he'd been the worst old ... as if he'd been like the Governor. She says she feels as though she was the
looked at his brother with his usual matter-of-fact ey
"Well, no; I found the train was so late I thought maybe
ld do if we stayed. It's just a notion of Aunt 'Melia's, anyhow. I agree with her that it don't lo
nyhow," agreed the young