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Babysitting The Billionaire's Adult Son

Chapter 7 Will he fire fired

Word Count: 1466    |    Released on: 22/11/2022

ou a year salary even when you haven't done anything and you decided to run off with the payment... just consider yourself a jailer. The Gordon family that I know does not forgive theft.' She

possibly do that since you're not okay, yourself?' 'You're fired! Refund my money and get the hell out of here.' Melanie mind wouldn't stop guessing what the mind is going to say to her. "Melanie, why aren't you getting in?" Mr Gordon ask calmly, jotting Melanie out of her weird thought. "Oh!" she mumbles and open the door to the backseat. She sit down quietly, rubbing her sweaty palms together. Mr Gordon watches her from the mirror and couldn't help but to wonder what's wrong with her. "Are you okay? You seem stress." Mr Gordon inquire and Melanie is force to raise her head up. "I'm fine, sir." she smiles and Mr Gordon nods his head slightly before driving out of the compound. Getting back to the mansion The car put to halt at the garage and Melanie didn't waste another second to get out of the car. She step her foot on the ground and stagger backwards. Mr Gordon rush to help her by sliding his hand on her waist. He put back on her feet and she thank him with a slight bow. Mr Gordon leave her at the parking lot and strides inside. Melanie watches him leave until he's out of her sight. She wouldn't stop worrying about what's going on in his mind and the other hand, drooling at the the way he walks. Someone clears his throat besides her and she jumps in fright, only to look at the direction it's coming from and she sees Archie leaning on the car they came with, with a devilish smirks dancing at the corner of his lips. Now she has to deal with this brat, really? She thought as she secretly rolls her eyes at him. "Young master, you're back?" Melanie asks, turning around to face him properly. Archie scoffs at her question. "Is that suppose to be a question? I'm here and you're still asking me if I've gotten back, nope, I'm just coming." Archie hisses taking his back off the car. Melanie finds his speech offensive and she gulps down nothing as she doesn't want to provoke the little devil. She still unable to figure out what his father going to do to her, so she better lay low for a while. "Why are you still standing there? Ain't you going to cook? Do you still not know what you're here for? You are here as my maid and not my father's flings. Drop the act of crushing and get to work." Archie let out all he has been taking in since the previous day, he let them all out and he walks past her, making his way into the mansion. Me

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