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Who Are You? (WAY)

Chapter 7 Expect the Unexpected

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 06/11/2022



a jog. My shift just finished and want to do some sweating going home.

you dressed like that

and exercise" I an

ift, don't fool around a

l be fine" he's

hen he goes back to his car. I don

y today," I said as

to the airport ea

omething?" he didn't tel

he VIP patients that

d just rel

dn't have breakfast this

also hung

are we eati

please I miss eating th

then he

cited and go out as soon as he park the car. It's been a long time si

o leave me at the car?"

y" and I s

s go inside" the

two again. I thought you weren't coming b

, Heal is not too busy today so we hav

n" Heal said, then we went inside and take a seat

wo get married?" I

question," I said a

long time. You're in the right age

oon Mrs. Lee don't

are my best dress for your we

ed to marry me" he said pl

ve a choice?" I

my witness here, you can'

I order food s

while we're eating, Mrs. Lee

" I ask loo

s so serious as he said those

I mea

he looks

long time and how much we love each other. That's enough reason for me to spend the rest of my

said sincerely

ve yo

e're already da

though there's no label," I said we're a

shocked if we'll give them a

our parents. For now, let's enjoy


orking he is for his mom. Heal was a very warm-hearted person, he cares a lot about the people he loves and also

ately there'



the airport earlier since I know how emotional they are, but I was surprised to see Heal in front of my condo. He said that my broth

e?" a man sudde

e?" I ask back wh

ll be our new Fashion designer" he answered, it's a relief that h

he CEO himself will pick me up, I'm greatly honored" I sa

eer myself to come. And Mr. Sue recommended yo

that's jus

and go directly to where will I'll be living. I'll be staying at a rental house with someone I don't know who my br

e here in Korea?" he as

live here" I answered, so

work in America and go here?" he

lone I can take care of myself and do what I r

o build and start his own company there when we're born. Our father was a hard-working man that's why we have all of this right now and currently, the

is voice makes me real

u saying somet

e're here" he said, I look outside and I'm speechless


ited to meet you," he said so

with that" a young man appear out of

e youngest and one of the model in the compan

our also livin

to join them here. Even I'm the boss I don't act like that here,

e fun I guess

ello, how are you?)" a girl

I'm fine, thank you)"

an," this Kris guy


other girl said while

n sijang josatim-ibni

earcher team. I'm Ji-soo)" the

Zoe (Nice to meet you, I

. They al

" I'm amazed, there good

was busy purchasing things

ey can meet la

. Because of their heart welcoming, I already forgot to chat my friends and my broth

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