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Chapter 5 ARRIVAL

Word Count: 1393    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

tten to the car, why? She had just closed her eyes briefly and she arrived at the Palace. She

fairytale Queen, the warm painting was cosy, the windows were small, and each window was either dark or had a light shining through, she could

out, a sound escaped her mouth, "Wow!" Her eyes sh

all day, why was this so perfect, she had an image of a shabby palace, but this was

in a piece of expensive green cotton fabric, her hair made in a clean bun, she had her brows craved slim, the lady was light-skinned, she wasn't fat neither was she fat. Her ey

followed her in a different car, whispere

red referring to the palace and loo

immediately all the maids bowed and the guards low

to him, "Sire, it's good t

yet charming smirk he had on his gorgeous face. His hand

" he replied, Samue

et to add a smile as he walked closer to her. On the other hand, Aurora wasn't b

heart skipped just again

y and boldly. Even when she knew she was, th

said, moving even closer, trying to cover the gap

opping herself from getting too close. Her breath qu

er hands off his chest, Aurora didn't wait for h

" He said, smiling

speechlessly, as he

h you tonight, I have to work... Make yoursel

eside Sania, he had his head down, and his hands fold

d looked back at Liam, he turned to the direction she

royal robes called,

ou for d

ings, I would take care of h

to Delia, staring at them, the

Queen, Her Grac

nfusion flashing her eyes, "You mean, my

e Grand Queen/ Liam's grandmot

dress, tightening h

ocked by her response, seeing their eyes focused

whispered, Aurora's eyes met hers, and she seemed ups

ess?" She as

ooked at Tracy, head to toe... If she w

you be so reckless and disrespectful?" Tracy

be here at first" she replied,

en asked, Aurora looked at he

self?" She questioned,

s, Aurora stepped forw

dding, "Anyways, this is

ed, looking at the servants, although she agreed, her goal

aning on a leg, sighing over and over, frustratedly she began to bite her nails. "Soon-" she p

She asked, "I just wa

tever you need, you would get to know them, and they wo

of the guards sa

troduction continued, but Aurora stood there exh

ad down, even when the others had their heads up, he was different

ania said, Aurora faked a smile, with her eyes glued on th

u are?" She asked, tilting her head

says, with hi

he one, she stepped further to catch a glimpse to satisfy her inquisitiveness. "Could raise your head?" She or

standing there in the armours about to be her guard, this man who was the love of her life, was

whispered, s

palace, she thought hard for a reply but her chest hurt ten times more, remembering Alex once told her, he was sc

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