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Chapter 4 I need to see

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 10/11/2022

avy knocking on her door, she sighed deeply as she

id yawning widely. "Who is at the

a and Brianna that walked in with smiles on their faces, Having stayed lon

he greeted as

lied giggling as they took the

all here this morn

ess had not come out from her room

ce you ghosted after the coronation so we were

lly, everyone still is. Espec

ay out another she was going to have to tel

t you will not tell anyone about this, not even my mum." S

nna replied in unison as

ich now had strange marks on it.. "A witch did this to me at t

, while Annie just stared on speachlessly, they though

you guys in order to confirm my doubts, the woman told me that I was like her, and since I'm

ther not really agreeing w

believe that you are a witch to lure you to come

of finality. "I only told you guys about this because you are the only ones I can tru

ngry and Harry had not yet returned. He put his hands into hi

at sold snacks across the street, He thought it would be better if he jus

ide, ignoring the multitude of people

l." He muttered as he arrived

quickly asked for some pie and a cup of coffee which she gave to

back to the house, the snacks tasted really delicious. As he got to the oth

med as he admired

asn't sure but either way he apologized to the man That was frowning at him but the man seemed not to accept his apology as

ve Derek a heavy punch on the face causi

rouble." Derek said

n't look like you are from around here."

an drenched with coffee shouted. "Perhaps we should teach you

about to rush towards him to throw punches

urned around o check who had spoken and when they saw that

house?" Harry asked as he held Derek's

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