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Gerda in Sweden


Word Count: 1237    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ing the reindeer?" Lieutenant Ekman asked Gerda, after the milking wa

a answered. Then suddenly something attracted her at

ed in the distance

d dashed off down a path w

d him. "It must be one

hey often get hur

al men trying to drive some logs out into the current, so as t

be found on nearly all the rivers of northern Sweden. Starting from the melting snow on the mountains, these rivers flow ra

themselves; but on some of the slower rivers the logs are made up into rafts w

ught while he was trying to push the logs out

Lieutenant Ekman, when, with the help of Erik and his fat

nuggled into the seat between Birger and her father; and the jour

e mines was setting the broken leg. The most important of all was t

" begged Gerda, when she heard of it;

on his way to the lighthouse, which he had hoped to reach in a few days, for t

ted," said Lieutenant Ekman the next mornin

when she heard of it. "Pack your bundle

p, were being hurried into the satchels, Gerda's tongue flew

inging her brother over the rocks?" she ran to ask Birge

ook at the mining town, and then began their return over the most northerly railroad in

orted from the train to the steamer, "Just as if he we

great hydraulic lift that takes up a car loaded with ore, as easily as a

his pain in telling them about his winter in the lumber camp, and the long dark night, when for over a

ort time before Gerda w

and Karen is o

ht sun, and the logs in the river, all in one breath; while Lieutenant Ekman explained Josef's accident to the lighthouse

is injury, and they had carried him up to the house and made him co

ng; but when Herr Ekman told of the medical gymnastic exerc

se few days that I have been helpless are the worst I have eve

nt to Stockholm on the boat w

n said to Gerda, after the children had been greeted and gladly welcomed by Fr

ay be so well and strong that you can go off to the l

s the first time that she had been away from her mother in all her life. She turned to the window so t

rrow?" Birger asked. "I want to show him the Lapp tent and the reindeer out there. He seems to be

t, and the father and mother were left alone, t

d Herr Ekman; and his wife added, "Who but Gerda would think o

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