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Princess Bellamy

Chapter 4 Wedding's cancelled

Word Count: 2026    |    Released on: 01/11/2022

it. She kept struggling in the water as her body remained ho

He kissed again, this time around more deeply and passionately.

She asked as she fel

d and carried her in a bri

alled as he walked in.

e'll be fine before y

he sighed . He dropped her on the bed before walking out

owerful word, y

old you everything about your desti

l do an

llamy is rather fragile and knows nothing about her fate.

. The queen commanded but it doesn't mean I

fore dawn. " Archer

rd Balor snapped. " I kne

You don't expect the young man to have his way with her at a first me

ion that she won't remembe

t. " Queen Minerva said. " Thank y

He said and bowed his head. " But th

to sell your son into marriage but my sister is n

are you to t

nd my sister will never hold. If you insist, your son would be the only one in attend

er her. She was in the garden wh

ing cuzzy." B

d about th

at wed

d Lord Bal

been ca

were going to face marrying that awful son of his. Believe me, h

handsome in this gre

d that dude, Nicklaus is so handsom

e castle barriers yesterday but I don't remembe

ry was wiped. "

did you

h not

" Mariam said and

t Mariam? " A

Winterland is reques

intergreen. Tell the Lord that the La

" She said and bowed h

tor you've rejected since you

s trying to sell me off. " Arleta said as they sat

never att

m sure the Queen would let you go. And besides this year's festiva

lamy. " They hea

tedly. " Bellamy don't you remem

e remembered such a hand

e last night. I would have recalled.

m. Nicklaus what brings you

ueen on behalf of my foster fat

want to keep you. " S

ore of my presence soo

y walked back to her chambers. She was about enterin

nd she disappeared. " Strange. Why would anyone be practicing m

Mariam stood up imme

e Queen se

old her you wer

e something interesting. "

called when she met

he's so young.

aster of magic. He might young b

ver given me

a stronger tutor. Tyson is the strongest I could find. He'll be fol

please excuse us? I need to talk to my mother. " B

hat i

trange when I was abo

Do t

air . She disappeared wh

air. Well th

seen anyone with silver h

you were born. That's why I married my own cousin. H

al families of the p

ne with silver hair, that means someone

Is that ev

room. Have some rest. We

he bowed her head sl

iscovery made by the physician, he had been more curious about evil spirits so he went in search of books about them. He thought since the

bidden is nuclear weapons and guns. The last time a gun was used, it nearly destroyed the whole

r girl with blonde hair said

and tapped the bed as he closed the boo

you mi

utes later , their clothes were off and he was banging her hard. She

nd leave. " He said when

d I do something wron

e! God d

I tried to kiss y

room without putting her clothes. This wasn't the first he had kicked her out right after sex and it wo

your room after sex, you might as well learn to seal your dick. " Archer

le brother while he has sex. Did you perhaps wanna see

t create a baby with a common whor

ys careful.

ts to see us. We'

? It's almo

hunting for animals. We're hunting for s

your own hair.

thes and let's move



!" Sebastia

Do you want to tag along? " Arleta asked Bellamy w

o's going, we might as wel

and they're using horses, it would be e

ne. But I'll n

ust tag along. And have you seen the qu


e good to go.

we could take my swo

azy? He'll r

ctor and he'll do what I

Come on Bells you jus

hing I say if he wants to keep his job. By t

What ab

k I saw him le

be he


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1 Chapter 1 The king's funeral 2 Chapter 2 Risen demon3 Chapter 3 Loose control4 Chapter 4 Wedding's cancelled5 Chapter 5 In a new world6 Chapter 6 Apologize 7 Chapter 7 Cuzzy Bells! 8 Chapter 8 Don't use your magic 9 Chapter 9 I'd rather be betrothed to a real bitch10 Chapter 10 I think she's interesting 11 Chapter 11 Illusion 12 Chapter 12 Would you have a date here 13 Chapter 13 Arya...... 14 Chapter 14 Misunderstandings15 Chapter 15 I like her16 Chapter 16 Kidnapped17 Chapter 17 The princess18 Chapter 18 Sleeping at Jeffery's19 Chapter 19 Push him away20 Chapter 20 Hurting21 Chapter 21 It's our birthday22 Chapter 22 Turmoil in Crusta23 Chapter 23 Soulmate24 Chapter 24 Bye Peter25 Chapter 25 Hurt26 Chapter 26 Bahamas27 Chapter 27 Taking her flower28 Chapter 28 Betrayal29 Chapter 29 Bellamy's missing30 Chapter 30 Fighting Dagon31 Chapter 31 The banquet32 Chapter 32 Saving the girl33 Chapter 33 Reaching my soulmate34 Chapter 34 Mother!!!35 Chapter 35 Fierce36 Chapter 36 The truth37 Chapter 37 Thirty seven38 Chapter 38 Thirty eight39 Chapter 39 Thirty nine40 Chapter 40 Forty41 Chapter 41 Forty one42 Chapter 42 Forty two43 Chapter 43 Forty three44 Chapter 44 Forty four45 Chapter 45 Forty five46 Chapter 46 Forty six47 Chapter 47 Forty seven48 Chapter 48 Forty eight49 Chapter 49 Forty nine50 Chapter 50 Fifty51 Chapter 51 Fifty one52 Chapter 52 Fifty two53 Chapter 53 Fifty three54 Chapter 54 Fifty four55 Chapter 55 Fifty five56 Chapter 56 Fifty six57 Chapter 57 Fifty seven58 Chapter 58 Fifty eight59 Chapter 59 Fifty nine60 Chapter 60 Sixty61 Chapter 61 Sixty one62 Chapter 62 Sixty two63 Chapter 63 Sixty three64 Chapter 64 Epilogue