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Frontier Stories

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2618    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

her mind filled with a sudden prophetic intuition of the significance of his last words. In the light of that new revelation she looked into his pale, haggard face

ened his lips with the spirit. When his respiration returned with a fai


he whispe

is really

sked, opening his r

ent ago," she said quick


id. Is

faintly. "

before I know he's my son; then that god-forsaken fool Jack Brace mistakes you for Nellie, and Nellie for you. Ain't it just the biggest thing for the boys to get hold of? But we must keep it dark until after I marry Nellie, don't you see? Then we'll have a good time all round, and I'll stand the drinks. Thi

onversation with Brace; that she had stolen Brace's horse to bring Low warning; that, failing to find Low in his accustomed haunts, or at the camp-fire, she had left a note for him pinned to the herbarium, imploring him to fly with his companion from the danger that was coming; and that, remaining on watch, she had seen them both-Brace and Dun

of that man's son. Yet all this she had taken upon herself in expiation of something-she knew not clearly what; no, for nothing-only for him. And yet this very situation offered her that gleam of hope which had thrilled her; a hope so

tand in the way? Even if he were not influenced by filial affection or mere compassion, would his pride let him stoop to a rivalry with the man who had deserted his youth? Could he take Dunn's promised bride, who must have coquetted with him to have


s awake, and was gaz

thing for Low to stop this promiscuous p

oice that, with all her effort

and give it to you. Nobody'll ask after Teresa, sure-you bet your life. And if they do, and he can't stop their j

subject, but he haply recovered his seriousness. "He'll have as much money from me as he wants to go into busi

the paternal suggestion; "and oh, he is too poor to buy books! I sent for one or two for him myself, the ot

ng cheeks, and became thoughtful. "Curson m

ance that might delay her dreaded yet longed-for meeting with Low. Yet she could not lea

an on me a few steps further, until I could br

hild to his feet. A spasm of pain passed

n ten minutes

. They stood before the splintered, lightning-scarred shaft in the opening of the woods, where Low had built her first camp-fire. She carefully picked up the herbarium, but her quick eye had already detected in the distance, before she had

second night of her stay. "It's cooler than those cursed woods," he said. "I suppose it's because it's a little

she said cheerfully, but with a pale face and nervo

head. "I'm good for a

but I don't think I'm

u issue car

some one of your friends to you here. I don't think he'll begrud

" he queried, with the nerv

e aside to hide her moistened eyes. "Wish me good lu

e he

raised his hands, and, drawing her fac

him," he whisp

about the biggest thing in the way of a sell all round," he repeated, lying on his back, confidentially to the speck of smoke-obscured sky above him. He pictured himself repeating it, not to Nell

he could stand the stillness of his retreat and his supine position no longer, and rolled himself out of the bed of leaves that Teresa had so carefully prepared for him. He rose to his feet stiff and sore, and, supporting himself by the nearest tree, moved a few steps from the dead ashes of the camp-fire. The movement frightened the lizard, who abandoned the paper and fled. With a s

a blank leaf originally torn from some book. He trembled

companion. I overheard their plan to surprise you in our cabin. Don't go there, and I will delay them an


paper again, but with so little effect that he could only repeat the last words, "think sometimes of Teresa." He was conscious that this was not all; he had a full conviction of being deceived, and kn

ale and quite breathless. She cast a swift glance at Dunn and the paper

sely, "what are you g

poken he would have only repeated, "think sometimes of Teresa." He looked longingly but help

it all. The game's played out. Well!" suddenly turning upon him, "now you know it all. Your Nellie was

id eagerly-"

n last night, and that I didn't know her. What are you glowerin' at? No! I haven't lied to you, I swear to God, except in one thing. Do you know what that was? To save him I took upon me a shame I don't

he opening, struck against the blasted trunk, fell half stunned near her feet, and then, recovering, fluttered away. She had scarcely completed another circuit before the irruption was followed by a whirring bevy of quail, a flight of jays, and a sudden tumult of wings swept through the wood like a tornado. She turned inquiringly to Dunn, who had risen to his feet, but the next moment she caught

me!" she gasped; "keep

, what has

. In that supreme moment of physical danger, his strength, reason, and manhood returned

nez Woods a

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