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His Mafia Bride

Chapter 39 New beginnings

Word Count: 1565    |    Released on: 16/11/2022


appened in these past couple of d

presence, I stumbled upon a murder plan on his life and then when he didn'


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1 Chapter 1 A night in the club 2 Chapter 2 We shall meet very soon3 Chapter 3 Meeting Dante4 Chapter 4 A marriage alliance 5 Chapter 5 Finalising the deal 6 Chapter 6 Wedding bells7 Chapter 7 I don't accept this marriage 8 Chapter 8 From a wife to a maid9 Chapter 9 Now I'm dead10 Chapter 10 A painful kiss11 Chapter 11 A secluded life 12 Chapter 12 Dante's surprise 13 Chapter 13 I'll make your life miserable Alina 14 Chapter 14 Eaves dropping 15 Chapter 15 Your punishment 16 Chapter 16 Are you feeling guilty 17 Chapter 17 A drink won't do you any harm 18 Chapter 18 Pizza Date19 Chapter 19 Green eyed jealousy 20 Chapter 20 Raw bloody anger 21 Chapter 21 You are mine to keep22 Chapter 22 Blood and Tears23 Chapter 23 I'm just trying to help you24 Chapter 24 I am not a demon 25 Chapter 25 Desires and Threats ripping through26 Chapter 26 Dinner won't hurt you27 Chapter 27 I own you28 Chapter 28 Kill me already 29 Chapter 29 No longer his maid30 Chapter 30 Somewhere you can find peace 31 Chapter 31 Let's have fun in the beach 32 Chapter 32 My heart. It bled. It died 33 Chapter 33 Kill Dante 34 Chapter 34 I won't go down without a fight 35 Chapter 35 My death shall set me free36 Chapter 36 Save Alina 37 Chapter 37 Maybe I have a heart 38 Chapter 38 Unsettling feelings 39 Chapter 39 New beginnings 40 Chapter 40 In the spirit of love 41 Chapter 41 Tricks and Trips42 Chapter 42 Lustful desires 43 Chapter 43 Uneasy feelings and situations 44 Chapter 44 His red rose45 Chapter 45 A trip to Italy 46 Chapter 46 Blood baths 47 Chapter 47 I want to fuck you48 Chapter 48 Together alone49 Chapter 49 My sweet Dante50 Chapter 50 A new dawn51 Chapter 51 I need Alina52 Chapter 52 Hearts pouring 53 Chapter 53 Blood and Love 54 Chapter 54 Late night sex 55 Chapter 55 I'll have you undone 56 Chapter 56 Claiming his bride57 Chapter 57 His Pollyanna 58 Chapter 58 Branding Her 59 Chapter 59 Meeting an old friend 60 Chapter 60 Peace within 61 Chapter 61 Welcoming a new soul 62 Chapter 62 Danger looms 63 Chapter 63 Facing death with dignity 64 Chapter 64 I want her dead65 Chapter 65 Inhuman torture 66 Chapter 66 The Escape67 Chapter 67 A mysterious man 68 Chapter 68 A true Italian 69 Chapter 69 Save her at all costs 70 Chapter 70 Dante wants blood 71 Chapter 71 A Gun brawl72 Chapter 72 Death calls 73 Chapter 73 Pure bliss 74 Chapter 74 It is my perfect. I love it!75 Chapter 75 Epilogue-- Family Reunion