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Flower of the Dusk

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2769    |    Released on: 30/11/2017



ommanded a glorious view of the sea, no canned vegetables were served at the table, and there was no orchestra. Natura

perhaps, for the ghosts of long-dead gossips who had sat and rocked and talked and rocked from one meal to th

, no unholy piccolo sounded above the other tortured instruments, no vio

e office by those who could prove themselves w

se W

ll and straight and strong; her copper-coloured hair shone as though it had been burnished, and her tanned cheeks had a tint of rose. When she

ll be surprised, and if I do, there would be no use in denying it. Anyhow, I'm old enough to go about alone

eople who lived there called it simply "Riverdale," but the manager of the hotel, perhaps to atone for t

e poor. As it was not necessary for her to concern herself with the sordid and material, she could occupy herself with the finer t

ion fo

te-book, for Miss Eloise was sorely afflicted with the note-book habit, and had a passion for reducing everything to lists. She had lists of things she wanted and lists of things she didn't want, which circumstances or

Disjointed remarks, such as "skirt a little too short, but good tailor," and "terrible amount of energy," and "wonder where she

sea, youth, and the consciousness of being loved-for what more could one ask? The diamond on the


parasol with a white border, and patted sand around the curved handle until it was, as she thoug

nd proteids-where do you buy 'em? Albuminoids-I've been from

ccess.' It would be strange if three hours of hard study every day, on the book the man in the store sai

Castle in Spain. Her thoughts refused to phrase themselves in words, but her pulses leaped with

e sighed to herself;

bone. If you push it down with your finger, it springs back. A leg of lamb has to have the tough, outer parchment-like skin taken off with a sharp knife. Some of the oil of the woo

r of K

y: 'Mary Ann, I have ordered a lobster for you to boil. We will have a salad for lunch. And I trust you have saved

f. Do not cook any cereal the mornings we have oranges or grape-fruit-the starch and acid are likely to make a disturbance inside. Four people are coming to dinner this evening. I


te-book out of her lap and laid it open on the sand some little distance away. Then, after making merry with t

her dune, she saw the parasol, with all sails set, jauntily embarked toward Europe. Turning away, disconsolat

to the place where the parasol had started from. "When and where fr

he answered. "I thought you'd be out here somewhere.

een upstairs," she

u've changed in the last ten days, and

" she asked. "Nobody t

d, "did you think I could stay away from you two whole wee

though with some inner light. The atmosphere around


, and a good firm chin. He wore eye-glasses, and his face might have seemed severe had it not been d

s sense. If he had worn a diamond ring or a conspicuous tie, he might not have occup

n you stay?"

our-hurry?' Before I knew you, I used to go to see a girl sometimes who always said, at ten o'clock: 'I'm so glad you ca


ting t

arlier that I went before I had come. If I can't make a girl forget

sulted her watch. "Why, it's only half-past elev

reading?" Before she could stop him, he had picked up the

himself in floral catalogues when he wanted to rest his mind with light literature, but I neve

etorted Eloi

sold by thousands, but, someway, I can't seem to rec

ected sternness, "if you hadn't studied m

"not with the laws as

never studied music, woul


n't know the first thing about shorthand, woul

said Alla


ion in the world demands some previous preparation, why shouldn't a girl

, you're not

how, I'm going to know. Do you think I'm going to let some perip

up the note-book; "it's practice. What good is

y mind learns to cook, my hands will find it simple enough. And some time, when you come in at midnight and have had no dinner, and the immigra

ly. "It's dear of you, and I hope it'll

y,'" she reminded him, as she yielded. "

rl was only fifty miles away. Monday, I'll go back and put some cholera or typhoid ge

very few of the guest


In Mexico, they call them 'passengers,' which is more in keeping with the facts. Fancy the feelings of a real guest upon receiving a bill of the

We'll call them inmates if you like it better. As yet, there are only eight inmates besides ourselves, tho




tle ones to gallop through the corridors at six in the morn

d, on The Equality of the Sexes. Th

it," he

ulosis and pneumonia are caused by insufficient lung development, and that cornet-playing wil

he observed, after a moment of profound thought. "Everything else is th

rner you, and I shall never see you again. She says that she 'hopes

ivate asylums are the co-workers she wants. I couldn't live through the coming Winter were it not

ng to her feet; "let's go up

young troubadour who serenades you in the evening and who

tic Lit

hand-made lingerie, of sheer, embroidered lawn and batiste and linen, to that crowd! The old ladies weren't interested, the spinsters sniffed, the widow wept, and only the divorcée took any notice of it. T

lan, good-naturedly. He had

shamefaced. "What's the use of h

an In

n them in a frank, open stare. The rocking-chairs scraped on the veranda as they instinctively drew closer tog

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